Purchase Orders KB-239

Purchase Orders  

Purchase Orders


Purchase Order Ref


Origination (ref) Name (created in System Element Setup)



Process Description:

Purchase orders are requests by the food bank for product(s) and are entered the same way as prereceipts, however purchase orders do not affect inventory. The food bank may set up purchase order limits that require a member(s) to approve the purchase order before it is submitted to the Vendor. This is done through the Purchase Approval Levels feature under the Product Resourcing menu.

There is a 3 step process in Primarius to request product and get the product into inventory:

Purchase Orders are items the food bank wants from the Vendor/Donor. (PO is placed) 

PreReciepts are items that are expected to be received by food bank. (PO request is acknowledged by Vendor/Donor)(this can also be converted to an order if ALL products are going directly from the vendor to an agency.)

Receipts are items that have physically arrived at the food bank and are put into inventory. (Prereceipt is received)(however this can be converted into an agency order if ALL items are going directly from the vendor to an agency.)

As an example, a purchase order is created for 100 pounds of pasta and 50 cases of water from a Vendor. The vendor acknowledges the purchase order and responds that it will send 100 pounds of pasta and only 10 cases of water.  A Prereceipt is created from the purchase order updating the expected quantities and that is used when the product arrives/or is picked up to compare the quantities expected to the quantities received.  If a preceipt wasn't created, warehouse workers receiving the product might be wondering why 50 cases of water on a purchase order didn't show up!  Once the product is received in the warehouse the prereceipt is converted into a receipt, the product is confirmed on hand and inventory quantities are updated. (If and when the remaining quantities requested are acknowledged the purchase order can be used again to receive the remaining product.)  Click Edit and add the new received quantity in the quantity received field and click   +Copy to PreReceipt. 


The main page displays all Active purchase orders. There are options to view the Inactive purchase orders as well as to perform an advanced search, export data and to add a new purchase order. There are three tabs displayed and the number in the tabs represents how many orders are in that status. For instance, if there are 2 in Purchase Orders to Print tab then there are 2 orders needing printed. 

To return to the main purchase order page anytime click on Purchase Orders in the dialogue box and the Active grid displays. 

Purchase Orders  Displays the active and inactive purchase orders in the system.

Purchase Orders To Approve If a member(s) is required to approve the purchase order it will appear here only for that approving member, non approving members will see a 0 in the box.

Purchase Orders to Print Displays the Orders that are ready and need printed.



Locate the purchase order and then click Edit and a new page opens the general purchase order information. There are tabs to view the Options and the  Line Items (products on the order).   

Some fields can be changed on the purchase order, any changes made must be saved.  If items on the purchase order need updating locate the purchase order and click Edit then select the Line Items tab to view the items on the purchase order. If any changes are made click   Save  .   A message displays The record was updated successfully. The status of the purchase order displays in the   Blue status bar   at the top of the screen and the status can be updated from this page. 




There are several steps to create and complete a purchase order, however not all steps are necessarily done at the same time.  For example, a purchase order can be created today but may need to be approved before it can be sent to the vendor or products ordered today may not be received for a couple of weeks. To view the order status locate the purchase order, click Edit and the   Blue status bar   displays the order status. The following is a basic breakdown of a purchase order:

1) Click   +Add a new purchase order  

         Select the Add New Product Donor Purchase Order or Add New Vendor Purchase Order (use the advance search option to locate the Vendor/Donor with the Name field).  

2) Complete the fields on the   Purchase Order   tab and   Options   tab and click   Save   and a message displays The record was saved successfully. A blue status bar will show  Pending.  

3) Next the Line Items tab displays; to add the products click on   +Add New Purchase Order Detail   and complete the fields then click   Save.    After all products have been added click on   Close   and the line items page displays all of the products on the purchase order. Click the   Purchase Orders   tab to return to the Purchase Orders detail page. There are two options depending if the order is complete or not:

 If the order is not complete: click   Save    to return to the Active purchase order tab, additional items can be added at a later time.

If the order is complete: click   Begin Approval Process.   ***

***    if the order does not require approval''':  If no approval is necessary the blue status box displays  Approved  and the Approve field has a check mark in the box.  (It will show approved if the person entering the PO is an approving member for that particular level). The PO can now be printed and/or emailed.  The Receive Product option is not used until the vendor acknowledges the PO and notifies the food bank of the actual items and quantities being shipped.

***   if the order requires approval:  If the purchase order dollar amount requires approval from certain individuals based on the approval levels set up, the Blue status bar displays   Approval Pending   with the names of the individuals required to approve it. The process will not go any further nor create a prereceipt until the individual(s) have approved it. Those individuals will receive notice that an order is awaiting their approval. Once all required members have signed off the status updates to   Approved   click on   Save   and a message displays The order was updated successfully. 

    If the purchase order is rejected from a member it goes back to a pending status so changes can be made and resubmitted for approval again.

4) When the vendor acknowledges the order and notifies the food bank of what is being sent the status needs to be updated. Locate the order, click Edit, select   Receive Product   and a new page displays. Type in the quantity that will be received and the weight populates based on the product inventory setup then click   Copy to PreReceipt  .  A message displays The record was updated successfully and a prereceipt is automatically created. The purchase order appears under the  Purchase Orders to Print   tab. If you would like to print it put a check mark in the box and click   Print Purchase Order   and   Mark Transaction as Printed.  

  All fields with a *  must be completed. Dark grey boxes are view only and cannot be changed. When purchase orders are completed they can be manually deactivated   
  so they will no longer appear on the Active Purchase Order grid.   


To deactivate the entire purchase order, locate the purchase order from the Active tab, click Edit and a new page opens the purchase order details. Click Deactivate and the system prompts Are you sure you wish to deactivate this purchase order? Click   Cancel   to return to the line items page or   Deactivate   to continue and a message displays The purchase order was successfully deactivated. It will no longer appear on the Active Purchase Order tab.

To deactivate just certain product(s) on the purchase order, locate the purchase order on the   Open Purchase Order   tab, click Edit and the details page opens. Select the Line Items tab and find the product(s) that will be removed from the purchase order and click Edit. Click Deactivate to remove the product. If Deactivate is selected the system  prompts You are about to navigate away from the current page and any unsaved changes will be lost.  Are you sure you wish to leave this page?  Click No to return or Yes to continue and the system prompts again Are you sure you wish to deactivate this purchase order details?  Click   Close   to return or Deactivate   to remove the product and the line items page re-displays with the remaining items on the purchase order.


Once all items on the original purchase order have been received you have the option to Close it which removes the Purchase from the Active tab and adds it to the Closed Tab (this is not the same as deactivate).

Field Definitions:  Right click on the link to open it in a new tab

Purchase Order


Line Items




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