Allocations KB-39




Process Description:

Once an allocation group is created you then create your allocation from that group.  This allocation is then a template to use when you are creating your allocation orders in the Inventory Allocation portion of the P2.  Please refer to the Allocation Group  for my information on the entire process.


The main page displays the Active allocations. There are options to view the inactive allocations, advanced search, export the data and to add a new allocation.  The allocation is used to generate the orders using the Inventory Allocation feature.


Click on + Add New Allocation.  Enter an Allocation Reference, select the warehouse and you must put in an effective and expiration date.  If you're creating an allocation for every Monday for instance you can make the expiration date 3 or 4 months from now or whatever date you decide.  Then select the Allocate Group and Allocation Method to use then click  Save .  A new page displays all of the agencies that can be allocated.  It is up to you to enter the % to give to each agency if your allocation is based on %.  The percentages must equal 100%.  This is not 100% of your inventory, it's 100% of the allocated amount of your inventory.  On the previous page you entered what percentage of your available inventory for this allocation is to be used.  So, if you have 1000lbs of Dry and you want to only allocated 50% of that you're going to be using 500lbs of the DRY, then you'll assign that 500lbs to agencies as a percentage so Agency A gets 25%, Agency B gets 10%, Agency C gets 50% and Agency D gets 15%. Any agency with 0% will not be included so it's not necessary to give a % to all agencies only the agencies you want to include on this particular allocation.


Allocation Ref If this field is greyed out the system will auto-assign otherwise enter a unique reference number.

Warehouse Select the warehouse for the allocation.

Effective Date Enter the start date for the allocation.

Expiration Date Enter the expiration date for the allocation.

Allocation Group Select the group that this allocation will draw from.

Maximum Percentage This is the maximum amount of your inventory that will be allocated.

Comment Enter any comments about this allocation.

Allocation Method Select one of the available methods to use for this allocation- Agency Percentage, FA Type, County and Agency Percentage, Statistics, County Percent and Statistics.


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