Warehouse Transfers KB-297

Warehouse Transfers  

Warehouse Transfers

Warehouse Transfers




From Warehouse

To Warehouse

To Warehouse Location

A Line Item


Process Description

Warehouse transfers are used mostly for branch transfers or the transferring of a product from an off site storage area to the main inventory warehouse, or vise versa and for Mobile Pantries using a Virtual Warehouse (food bank truck).  You can transfer a portion of or all of a product on a receipt from one warehouse to the receipt at another warehouse. Explanations for the various fields can be found in the Definitions section of this page.  If you are creating a mobile pantry and want to transfer product from the warehouse to the virtual warehouse, the products must have both warehouses added to it.  This can be found looking at the Product -Hamburger- Warehouse.

The main page will display the Open Transfers tab and show the status of the existing transfers or click on Confirmed tab to view completed transfers.  There are four additional tabs: Replenish, Release, Pick, and Confirm.  Each displays the various stages of the transfer and the number in the tab represents how many items are pending in that status.  For example, if there is a 24 in the Pick tab then there are 24 orders waiting to be picked.  This page has options to perform an advanced search, export Data and add a new transfer.  The Print Option allows a pick sheet or a replenish difference report to be printed.



Locate the transfer, click Edit and a new page opens with the warehouse transfer information.  Click on the Line Items tab to see the items being transferred.  To change/view the product quantity click Edit.  Once any changes are made to the quantity click  Save  and a message displays The record was updated successfully.  Click on the Transfer tab and mark the order  Entry Complete  or click  Save  to come back to the order and make more edits at a later time.  A transfer can also be done in the WMS bar coding software.  If one is created through WMS it will appear in the waiting to be confirmed tab. 

There are 5 steps to create and complete a warehouse transfer, detailed instructions follow.  The transfer steps are not always completed at the same time. The transfer could be created and released but not ready to be picked yet.  The process can be continued at anytime using the Edit option.

1)  Create the transfer

2)  Replenish the warehouse

3)  Release the order

4)  Pick the Order  (For bar code users the pick is done with WMS and appears under Picking -Warehouse Transfers- once picked by the warehouse the transfer can then be confirmed on P2)

5)  Confirm the Order


Click    +Add New Transfer   and a new page opens.  Enter the warehouse the product is coming from and the warehouse and location within the warehouse the product is moving too then click   Save   and the Line Items tab opens. On this page add the product(s) being transferred by clicking  + Add New Transfer Details.   Select the product from the drop-down menu and enter in the quantity then click   Save.   (The bottom half of the screen displays the Additional Product Information Tab with basic product information such as weight and quantity on hand.)

After the product is entered click  Save  and a message displays  The record was saved successfully or click   Close   to go back to the Line Items  page which displays all of the products that are part of the transfer.  Click Save to come back and add products later and the order appears in the data entry status or if complete click on the Transfer tab and select   Entry Complete   and a message displays The transfer was successfully marked as entry complete.  There is a Print Option to print the pick sheet and Print the Packing List.  Click on Transfers at the top of the page to return to the In-Process Transfers page.     

The order status on the grid is Entered.

If the order is ready to be released either locate the order, click Edit and under the  Print Options  you can choose Print Pick Sheet and Print Replenish Difference Report and/or click   Release.    A new page opens with options to   Print Bar Code Labels    (if using Primarius Barcode software)   Print Pick List   and   Finalize Release.   Once the finalize release is selected a message displays The transfers were successfully marked as released.  The order status on the grid will be Released or click on the  Release tab and check the order and click  Release Transfers.

If the transfer is now ready to be picked under the Pick tab put a check in the Pick box and click Pick Transfers and a message displays The order was successfully picked or at a future time the status can be changed from the Open transfers, locate the order, click Edit and select   Pick.  The grid status displays Picked.  For bar code users the order is picked in WMS it appears under Picking Warehouse Transfers.  Once the transfer is marked picked complete it can then be confirmed in P2. 

If the product is actually leaving the warehouse (via ship or pickup) it needs to be confirmed. There are two options to confirm an order, either locate the order and click Edit then Confirm or select the Confirm tab and put a check mark in the Confirm box and click on Confirm Transfers.   A message displays Transfers Confirmed! The transfer page will display with the Transfer Reference and show a Confirmed Date of the transfer.


For Bar Code Users  to create a blank warehouse transfer to be completed in WMS click  + Add New Transfer   and then enter the From Warehouse, To Warehouse and the To Warehouse location and any other notes and click  Save.  The line items tab automatically opens, select the Transfer tab again and select Make Handbill and click  Save.


An Open transfer can be canceled.  Locate the transfer, click Edit and a new page opens with the general order detail.  Simply click Deactivate and the system prompts Are you sure you wish to deactivate this transfer?  Click Cancel to return or   Deactivate    to continue and a message displays The record was deactivated successfully.

To cancel only certain products from the warehouse transfer, locate the order, click Edit and then select the Line Items tab and select the product(s) to cancel.  Click Deactivate to remove the product transfer. The system prompts You are about to navigate away from the current page and any unsaved changes will be lost. Are you sure you wish to leave this page? Click No to return to the previous page or Yes to continue.  The system prompts again Are you sure you wish to deactivate this transfer detail?  Click   Cancel  to return or   Deactivate   to continue and a message displays The record was deactivated successfully and the Line Items displays.  Select the Transfer tab and click   Save   and a message displays The record was saved successfully.


All fields marked with a * must be completed.  Dark grey boxes are view only and cannot be changed.


Transfer Ref This is prefilled by the system.

Status Displays the status of the transfer.

     Data Entry  The transfer order has been entered in the system. Click   Entry Complete    to move the order to the Entered status.

     Entered  The transfer order has been updated to Entry Complete next click   Release    to move the order to the next status.

     Released  The order has been approved and is released.  It can now be picked.

     Picked  The order has had a pick sheet printed and the product has been picked.

     Transfer Date  Displays the date/time the transfer was confirmed.


From Warehouse * Select the current warehouse location.

To Warehouse * Select the warehouse the product is moving to.

To Warehouse Location * Select the location within the warehouse the product will be moved to.

Pick Sheet  Is used to notify warehouse personnel what product, quantity, location, and what warehouses.

Replenish Difference Report  Is used to notify personnel what pick areas need product fulfillment.

Company Setups:

The grid view can be changed at any time by clicking the settings icon located in the bottom left corner of the page. This will allow you to choose what is being viewed.

System and Entity Setups

Process Procedure


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