Warehouse Moves KB-294

Warehouse Moves  

Warehouse Moves



From Warehouse Location

Pallet Id

To Warehouse Location




Process Description:

This process is used when a product is being relocated from one location to another location inside the same warehouse.  

If you are using bar code software there is no option to +Add New Move as it is done on the scanner. 

For non bar code users select +Move Inventory.  Select the warehouse then enter the product that is being moved and it's location. On the other side enter the new location for that product and the quantity being moved. If you are barcoding you can enter the pallet ID. It's important to remember that you cannot have product in more than one pick location if you are not on barcoding, so if you're moving product you'd move ALL if it's a pick to a pick location or you can move to/from some from a bulk/floating location.

 Any field marked with a * must be completed.  Dark Grey boxes are view only and cannot be changed. 



Warehouse *   Select the warehouse for the move.

Product *  Select the product.

From Warehouse Location *  Select the current product location.

To Warehouse Location *  Select the location where the product is being moved to.

Quantity *  Enter the quantity of the product to be move.

Total Weight * This field cannot be changed. It will be prefilled based on the quantity entered and the unit weight assigned in the product detail. 

  Avail Qty: Displays the total quantity in inventory. Avail Wgt: displays the total weight of all of the product. 

Comment Type any comments about this inventory/inventory move.

System and Entity Setups

Process Procedure


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