WMS Warehouse KB-288

Warehouse Management  

WMS Warehouse



Process Description:

This was previously referred to as Warehouse Other on the older Bar Code software



This is used for adjusting the product on a pallet.

Adjust Product on Pallet  Type/Scan the pallet ID and click  Submit    The page displays the Pallet #, Product on the pallet and the Quantity.  Type in the new quantity, select the adjustment reason and any comments then click   Submit     THIS LINK ISN'T WORKING 


This displays any active counts for the selected warehouse.

Active Inventory Counts  Select the count to use and click   Submit  

Scan Pallet To Count  Enter the pallet ID and click   Submit  

Enter Counted Quantity  This page displays the Pallet, Location (with an option to Move Pallet), Product.  Enter the Quantity and click   Submit     (THIS LINK ISN't FINISHED) 


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