Quarterly Poundage Report
Begin Date/Time
End Date/Time
Process Description:
The QPR report (Quarterly Poundage Report) will give you all of your Receipts and Distribution totals needed to submit your Quarterly Poundage report to Feeding America and the results depend 100% on correct coding within Primarius. The Originated Code determines if the product is Donated, Federal-USDA or Purchased and if it is Local, Yellow or Blue. Before running the QPR make sure all Receipts have been entered as of the last day of the quarter and that all Order picked up/delivered as of the last day of the quarter are confirmed. There is an option to export the data into an Excel spreadsheet or as a PDF file. NOTE: When using an Excel spreadsheet the date fields may populate as only a number, the columns will need to be formatted for dates or accounting fields if applicable.
QPR Sections:
Receipts-includes all receipt detail with a received date in the time period and the quantity received.
Receipt Summary-Gross Receipts = All Receipts. Net Receipts = All receipts less the receipts from Cluster Heads and Inter-Affiliate Transfers.
Distribution-includes all pounds from all Confirmed orders with a pickup date in the time period. The total to match to the Distribution by County and the Distribution by Product Type sections will exclude pounds distributed to other food banks (Inter-Affiliate Transfers). Trash =Inventory Adjustments with reason codes that include Total to match to County section minus Excludes distribution to other food banks.
NOTE: The QPR report does include an Inventory section however, the balances reflect the current on hand balances. It is recommended that you run the Inventory Transaction Recap report to get balances as of the end of the quarter.
Receipt Poundage by Product category and Storage Requirement. This section should match to the Net Receipts in the B Receipts section.
Distribution by County-this section includes distribution to agencies and individuals only. Other food banks are excluded. The total on this section should match to the specified total from B Distribution.
QPR Coding Check-this report will show products on receipts with non-matching QPR Groups. It will also show products with a FA Product Category on the receipt that conflicts with the Product Category on the product record. Since the QPR does not use the Product Category, this does not necessarily indicate it is incorrect but should be reviewed and verified.
Select the begin date/time and the End date/time then Run.