Purchase Orders Approval KB-240

Purchase Approval Logs  

Purchase Orders Approval


Approval Threshold




Process Description:

Purchase order approvals are set at the discretion of the food bank. If using an approval level there are key factors to consider: Should all purchase orders require an approval (very tight control) or should approvals start at a higher dollar amount to allow the process to stream quicker? If a purchase order hits a high dollar amount should every member be required to approve it or just one member?

The food bank administrator does have an option in the general food bank set up to require multi level PO approvals. This means for example if your food bank has an approval level of $1, $500, $1000 and $1500 and you created a purchase order of $1200.00 then every person at the $1, $500 and the $1000 level must all sign off on the purchase order. This is not usually the case.


The main page displays all Active purchase order approval levels in the system and whether the purchase order will  Require All Members to Approve. There is an option to view the Inactive purchase order levels as well as to export data tab and add a new Add Record.


Adding a purchase order approval level is a 2 step process.  First the level is created and then the member(s) required to approve the level is added unless the check mark for Require all Members to approve is selected. If the food bank requires all purchase orders to be approved then set the approval level at $1.00.


Click on   +Add Record   and a new page opens. Type in the Approval Threshold amount and chose the Require Approval From All Members if appropriate then click  Save. By requiring approval from all members the order will not proceed until every person signs off on the order. Whereas if there is an approval set up and it does not require ALL MEMBERS to approve then just one member is all that is required to approve the order. 


Locate the approval level, click Edit then select the  Members  tab. Choose the members required to approve this level from the drop-down menu. After all members have been added click  Save  and a message displays The record was saved successfully.   


Click on Edit to view/change the purchase order level. There are two tabs displayed: Approval Level and Members.


To deactivate a purchase order approval level from the Active screen, click on Edit and then click on Deactivate. The system prompts Are you sure you wish to deactivate this po approval level? Click   Cancel   to return to the previous page or   Deactivate   to continue and a message displays The record was deactivated successfully.  A level can be reactivated from the Inactive screen by clicking on   Reactivate   and the system prompts Are you sure you wish to reactivate this PO level?  Click   Reactivate   to continue and a message displays The record was reactivated successfully.

 All fields marked with  * must be completed.


Approval Threshold Type in the amount of the threshold for this purchase order approval.


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