Product Warehouse KB-233

Product Category Warehouse  

Product Warehouse


Process Description

The product warehouse is NOT the same as the warehouse. This is used to determine where the product is physically located, where it can be picked from, and if it can/cannot be ordered from specific warehouses. You can only get to this page from the hamburger on a specific product.


This page displays all of the food bank warehouses and if set, the default pick location and default receiving location. The grid information includes where the product will be picked from, the replenish quantity and replenish report for bar code users if this data has been included in the setup of the product. The system allows a product located in any warehouse to be included in an order. To exclude a product from a certain warehouse click edit and uncheck the box Cannot Order. This feature is helpful for food banks that have multiple warehouses but maybe only fill orders from one particular warehouse choosing to internally use the warehouse transfer to move products from the other warehouses to the order fulfillment warehouse. This page is very important for PWW to allow a product to appear on the shopping page for PWW.  Locate the warehouse, select Edit. There are 4 boxes that can be checked:



Click   + Add New Product Warehouse,  complete the fields and click  Save. 


Locate the warehouse and click Edit then select Deactivate.  The system prompts Are you sure you wish to deactivate this product warehouse? Click  Cancel  to return or  Deactivate  to continue and a message displays The record was deactivated successfully.


Warehouse Select the product warehouse.

Default Pick Warehouse Location Select from the drop-down menu.

Warehouse Replenish Point Enter the quantity that if the product falls below a certain level the system will appear on the replenish report.

Warehouse Replenish Quantity Enter the quantity to order when the products needs replenished.

Pick Location Replenish Point If the pick location falls below a certain level it will appear on the pick location replenish report.

Pick Location Replenish Quantity Enter the quantity to be replenished.

Display on Print Shopping List Check to have the warehouse information appear on the shopping list. (this is usually not checked)

Display on Web Shopping List Check to make the product available to PWW for ordering. (this is usually not checked) If  you do not check this box the product will not show up on PWW for agencies to order.

Cannot Allocable Check if the product cannot be allocated from this warehouse. 

Cannot Order Check if the product cannot be ordered from this particular warehouse.  If you have a product you do not want any agencies to be able to order (maybe a holiday food box) then you can check cannot order for each warehouse it's located in, and when ordering is being done 0 quantity will show available in P2 and it will not show up at all on PWW.


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