Product Options KB-231


Product Options

Use Default Inbound Value Check to assign a value to the donated products based on what the value is to the food bank (this is used with the Default Inbound Value). If you leave this unchecked the system will use the Current Market Value of Food from the General Setup of your food bank (Under the General Setup-Accounting tab) OR the FA value if you put one in the system element setup FA Type.

Default Inbound Value Enter the inbound value per unit of the product donated to the food bank. This is not per pound, it's the total value for the unit of product. If your product is a case of soda and the case weighs 5 pounds, you would put the value for that case here (this is used with the Use Default Inbound Value).******


          • Value can calculate a few different ways.  1)You can enter an amount on the product setup and check to use that.  2) You can set a FA Type value in the system element setup and that will be used UNLESS you check to use the value on the product and then the system will use what is in the default inbound value even if it's 0 (blank).  3) You can use Feeding America's Current Market Value which is entered in Accounting tab under General Setup. FA Type pricing will override the CMV in the accounting setup if you have both filled in. No matter what you enter remember the Product check Use  Default Inbound Value will override both of the other cost options. If you have permission to change values/costs on a receipt you can override any other values by entering it on the receipt. This will only affect the quantity of products on this receipt-no other inventory for the product is effected.

Use Default Inbound Cost Check to use the Inbound cost for purchased product on a receipt. (this is used with the default inbound cost)

Default Inbound Cost Enter the dollar amount of one unit of product. This is the cost of the product when it is received for purchased products. (this is used with the Use Default Inbound Cost)

Use Default Outbound Price Select if the agency has a cost for the product. (this is used with the Default Outbound Price AND Charge Base Price from the Product Category setup)

Default Outbound Price * Enter the default outbound price per unit that the agency will be charged when ordering this product. (this is used with the Use Default Outbound Price AND Charge Base Price from the Product Category setup)

          The Default Outbound price and the Default Inbound Cost at the product level are overridden by the amount on a receipt.  So if you have it to default use $1.00 Outbound price but the receipt has been entered as $3.00 as the outbound price, then the order will have $3.00 for the outbound price until all products received on that particular receipt is depleted from inventory.

Is Non-Reporting This is for food bank items that are strictly used by the food bank such as office supplies (computers, phones, forklift, freezers, etc.). Having a product created will allow the food bank to create a purchase order for its own supplies.

In Non-Inventory This is used to account for food bank property that is lent to an agency such as crates, barrels, baskets, etc. The item will show up on the order receipt to account for it and a report can be generated for items on hand but it doesn't effect the QPR and Blue to FA type of reports. All non-inventory items are non reporting automatically. There is no product weight for non inventory items.

Is Mixed Product Check if products that have the same product reference and description but varying weights. It is recommended that a Unit of Measure for a mixed product be representative of how it will be distributed by the box, bag or banana box. The unit weight should default to 1 lb because weight cannot be 0 however, the system will calculate the weights using the receipt received quantity and weight to determine the actual weight when it's a mixed product.  An example of a mixed product would be a food box. Until you actually put the box together you won't know the final weight. The system will take all of the pieces added into the food box and combine their weights to come up with a final food box weight.

Is Serialized?  Check if the food bank creates their own bar codes for their own products. For instance, they may put a bar code on all of their computers or on equipment used.

Is Covered By Grant * Check if the item is eligible to be covered by grants. 

Is Covered By State Grant * Check if the item is eligible to be covered by state grants.

    In the General Setup you can default all products to be covered by a Grant so you won't have to check this field, however you can uncheck it for certain products or you can set your grant allocations
 to not cover certain products/product categories/FA types/etc.

Require On Site Check if the product that the agency obtains from the food bank will be used when providing services at the agency site such as a soup kitchen or day care. This field is usually left blank.

Require Off Site Check if the product the agency obtains from the food bank will be used when providing services elsewhere, other than the agency site, such as Meals on Wheels. This field is usually left blank.

  The require on site/off site is used rarely. It is used to allow specific products to be seen by only specific agencies. It allows you to restrict products for agencies that serve onsite vs agencies that deliver for programs like Meals on Wheels. For example: a 5lb can of beans could be checked for onsite only and agencies that provide services like the Meals on Wheels would be flagged off site, therefore they can't order a 5lb can of beans that would normally be used for an agency that's a soup kitchen, etc. An agency that is flagged onsite can order ANY products that aren't flagged offsite meaning the product doesn't have to be flagged onsite.

Inactive BOM Check if this product cannot be used as part of a food box (it will not show up on the product list when creating a BOM).

Is Food Rescue Check if this product is part of a food rescue. A donor may have been preparing meals and has some left over (perishable prepared foods). A food bank picks up the product from the donor and can take it to an agency(s) or back to the food bank. This is done with a receipt, if it is only going to one agency it can be converted to any order. If it's going to multiple agencies then receive the product and orders are then created for each agency. The product must be checked Is Food Rescue and the agency must be checked Is Food Rescue Participant to order these types of products. This affects Products, Agencies and Orders. 

Is Agency Pickup This is only used for the Agency Pickup option in PWW. If a product is checked Is Agency Pickup then it will appear as a product that the agency can pick up from its authorized vendors directly. The food bank is then the facilitator and expects the agency to report the poundage because the food bank will get credit with Feeding America. IF you check this box it does not prevent the product from being ordered by agencies that do not do pickup. It is just used for when agencies that are authorized to do pickups only pick up authorized products. This affects PWW Agency Pickups, the order will show AGPKP in the orders grid.

Is Retail Pickup Check if the food bank picks up the product from the donor and brings it to the food bank. This affects Routes and Retail Pickup Mobile, the only products that will show up are the products that have been checked Is Retail Pickup. 

Is Food Drive Check if the product is received from a donor or group of donors collecting from the general public for the food bank, the product category is Food Drive, the FA type can be undefined (because it may be more than one type) and the FA Product Category is Food Drive.  Food Drive ref names can be very generic such as perishable and non perishable, or depending on food bank resources products can be broken down to food drive meat, food drive vegetable, food drive drink, etc., or broken down even more specific such as food drive ham, food drive vegetables. These food drive products can be used when creating food boxes from scratch, for instance the food drive canned goods can be located in a bulk location and when creating the food box from scratch you can select 2 cans to be included and the pick location would be the food drive bulk area.

Is Kosher Check if the product meets kosher guidelines.

Nutritional Value * Select the nutritional value (these are set up by the food bank administrator such as food/non food or basic/priority items).

Meets Nutritional Policy Enter any notes about the nutritional value.


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