Printers KB-224



P2 Bar Code Printer Setup

Files are located in C:\Windows\System32\spool\PRINTERS.

Installer for Local Resource Server:

Primarius Local Resource Server

Run setup and follow prompts.
NOTE: You can find the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the computer on which you are installing the Local Resource Server using one of the following methods:
  • Run the following command in the command console: echo %COMPUTERNAME%.%USERDNSDOMAIN%
  • Open the System Properties window on the computer and look for the line that says "Full computer name". The computer name can be viewed in the system properties by opening the run dialog (Windows Key + R), enter 'SystemPropertiesComputerName' and click the 'OK' button.

If your network does not currently use a domain, a possible alternative is to manually assign a domain to the workstation on which you are installing the Local Resource Server.

To set a domain run the following Powershell commands (replace with whatever domain you prefer):


Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\" -Name Domain -Value ""

Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\" -Name "NV Domain" -Value ""




If you are comfortable with editing the registry, you can also update the domain value directly in the registry entries specified in the Powershell commands.

Once the domain has been set, view the full computer name/FQDN using the steps outlined above.

Start the Primarius Local Resource Server service in Window’s Services.
Add inbound and outbound rules to the computer’s firewall to allow TCP traffic on the port being used for the Primarius Local Resource Server. The port is 5331 unless changed in step 1.

Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the Primarius Local Resource Server installation folder -> certs -> ca folder.

The certificate file ecca-root-ca.crt must be installed in the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” certificate store for the domain or on each individual client workstation/handheld that will be using label printers and scales. If this is not installed properly, clients will not be able to print labels or interact with scales.

It is preferred that the certificate be installed in the store location of "Local Machine" so the certificate will be made available to any user that logs on to the client machine.

**Note: Once the service is active and accessible from a web browser you will also be able to download the ecca-root-ca.crt file from the web page to install in the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” certificate store of the domain or on each client workstation/handheld.


Use a web browser to navigate to the website for the Primarius Local Resource Server. The address will follow the structure: https://{FQDN}:{PortNumber}.

Example: https://workstation1.companydomain.local:5331

**Note: This will be the address used for all clients to communicate with printers and scales installed on this workstation.


If the certificates were generated and installed properly you will see a Primarius web page. If there was an issue installing the certificates the browser will display a security warning. If this is the case you will need to confirm the steps above to be sure the certificates were generated and installed properly.

**Note: Firefox browsers may present a security warning even if the certificates have been installed correctly. The Firefox web browser requires certificates be installed in its personal certificate store as well as the computer’s certificate store. To do this, continue past the security warning and follow the on screen instructions.

Add warehouse and label types you need to print in the printer set up. Label types are typically 4x4 Pallet and location.
Default printers will be chosen when you go to print your first label types.




You receive a connection timeout or are unable to connect to the local resource server:

  • Make sure the Primarius Local Resource Server service is running in the Windows Services.
  • Check the necessary inbound and outbound rules were set up in the windows firewall.
  • Use Windows Explorer to navigate to the Primarius Local Resource Server installation folder.

Confirm the installation settings by opening the application’s Primarius_2.LocalWebServer.exe.config file. If necessary change the fully qualified domain name in the configuration file. To do this, change the section .

Examples of FQDNs would be workstation1.companydomain.local or If unsure of what the FQDN would be then please check with your system administrator.

**Note: if you would like to use a port other than 5331 for the local resource server it can be changed in the Primarius_2.LocalWebServer.exe.config file by updating the entry to whatever port you would like.


You receive a security warning even after confirming the certificates are installed properly:

  • Sometimes it takes some time before the certificates propagate to all the programs. Try closing down your web browser and waiting a few minutes before reopening the web browser and navigating to the local resource server address.


You continue to receive errors and warnings regarding the certificates:

  • Open a command prompt as administrator (run by selecting “Run as administrator”).
  • Enter the following command in the command prompt:

        - For Windows 2003 or Windows XP: httpcfg delete ssl -i 
        - Other versions of Windows: Netsh http delete sslcert ipport=

    *Note: Replace 5331 in the command with whatever port was entered during installation.
  • Confirm the installation steps were completed accurately otherwise correct the settings.
  • Restart the Primarius Local Resource Server service.


General reset of the certificate:

  • Stop the Primarius Local Resource Server windows service.
  • Confirm the installation settings are correct in the application’s Primarius_2.LocalWebServer.exe.config file.
  • Open a command prompt as administrator (run by selecting “Run as administrator”).
  • Enter the following command in the command prompt: 

        - For Windows 2003 or Windows XP: httpcfg delete ssl -i
        - Other versions of Windows: Netsh http delete sslcert ipport=

    *Note: Replace 5331 in the command with whatever port was entered during installation.
  • Change directory in the command prompt to the Local Resource Server’s installation directory.

    Example: cd “C:\Program Files (x86)\ECCA\PrimariusLocalResourceServer\”
  • Execute the command generate-cert.bat –fqdn

    *Note: Replace in the command with the fully qualified domain name of the workstation.
  • Restart the Primarius Local Resource Server windows service.


On restart of the computer the service does not consistently restart properly:

  • Another service may be conflicting over common resources. To avoid these conflicts add a startup delay (if available in your version of Windows) on the Primarius Local Resource Server windows service as well as adding a restart attempt on the service after 1st and, optionally, 2nd failure.

NOTE: For further information to aid in troubleshooting you can view the “Window’s Application Event Log” and check for messages and/or errors being logged by the Primarius Local Resource Server service.


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