Physical Inventory KB-200

Physical Inventory  

Physical Inventory


Warehouse (created in Inventory - Warehouse)


At least 1 Filter


Process Description:

The Physical Inventory Counts is used to take an actual physical inventory of products at the food bank. Running physical Inventory allows you to compare the sum-on-hand balances entered in Primarius against what is physically on-hand in the warehouse.

Once a Physical Inventory has been started, all transactions affecting the inventory balance must be stopped. This includes receipts, converting pre-receipts to receipts, order processing, and other inventory adjustments. The General Setup found under the System feature of Primarius is where the food bank can disable all PWW transactions by disabling the online ordering temporarily. Just ensure to uncheck that box once the inventory is completed.  Any orders that are marked picked means they are physically removed from the product location and those items are not being counted as part of the physical inventory.  The system knows they are physically in the warehouse but committed not available.


The main page displays all Active physical inventory counts.  Click on Completed to view completed inventory counts or the Templates to view the inventory templates that have been set up. There is also an option to export data and add a new physical inventory count.  Explanations for the various fields can be found in the Definitions section of this page.


Click on    +Add New Physical Inventory Count   and choose the warehouse that is going to be inventoried then give the inventory a name.   At least 1 filter must be selected but multiple filters can be selected by holding the Control button. The inventory can include all products or only certain products or certain categories.  Click  Save  and a message displays The inventory count was successfully activated and the record was saved successfully.  The Count Sheets can now be printed from this screen or they can be printed at a later time by selecting the inventory to use from the Active Physical Inventory Counts screen and clicking Edit.


An inventory template can be created and used for future inventories.  If selecting a stored template for the inventory another tab option Schedule will display. The template can be used for a future date or it can be used for recurring dates. Click on Schedule and the current month will be displayed.  Select the   + to ADD EVENT   and a new page opens with 2 tabs:

Single Event tab

Select the Inventory count to use from the drop-down menu, then select a begin date/time, add a description for the inventory and then add the end date/time.  Click  Save  and a message displays The record was saved successfully.

Recurring Schedule tab

Select the Inventory Count to use from the drop-down menu, then add a description, a begin date/time and an ending date/time (leave blank for an infinite time range).  When complete then choose the specific months, years, weeks, days, hours and minutes that the recurring inventory will occur then click  Save  and a message displays The record was saved successfully. 

  the year/day/hour/minute fields are required; for the hour and minute the best selection would be to choose Static and set the time for a time the food bank is closed for
  transaction processing. The bottom of the page displays when the inventory will happen based on the selections made.


Locate the inventory from the Active screen, click Edit  and a new page opens the current inventory setup with three tabs at the top: Details, Data Entry and Variance.  The status displays on the details page.

Details tab

Displays the basic inventory information such as the warehouse being inventoried, the date for the inventory and the filters being used.  There is also a Print Count Sheets option.

Data Entry tab

Displays the Physical Inventory Count Data Entry.  Any changes made to the inventory are done on this page.  Locate the product or receipt that needs adjusted using the search boxes.  To update the quantity click on the Counted Qty box and either type in the found quantity or click on the up/down arrow keys to adjust to the counted quantity. The counted weight field will automatically update. If a product(s) was found in the physical inventory but does not appear in the Primarius inventory it must be added to inventory using   Add Found Inventory.   A new page opens, complete the fields and click on  Save.

Variance tab

Once the inventory has been updated in the data entry tab this tab is used to see the Variance Qty and Variance Wgt. from what Primarius shows in inventory vs. what was physically counted in inventory.  It is a good practice to click Print Count Variance to get a report of the variances and physically recheck the items with discrepancies again before clicking on the   Complete Count/Update Inventory   (errors should be checked by a different individual).

  Activate Count    Click to start the inventory process.

  Print Count Sheets   are used to manually record the physical counts in the warehouse.

  Add Found Inventory   Click to add items to inventory that were unaccounted for previously.


1) Click +Add New Physical Inventory Count or select Edit from the Active Physical Inventory screen. 

2) Print Count Sheets.

3) Add Any Found Inventory if applicable.

4) Update any quantities or weights.

5) Print the Count Variance.

6) Update the inventory.

Items with a * must be completed.  Items in a dark grey box are view only and cannot be changed.

To deactivate or cancel an Inventory from the Active tab click on Edit and a new page opens the inventory detail.  To cancel the inventory click   Deactivate.  The system prompts Are you sure you wish to deactivate this physical inventory? Click   Cancel   to return or Deactivate and a message displays The record was deactivated successfully.



When using bar code the count is created in P2 first, then in the WMS bar code software you will select Warehouse-Count Entry.  All of the possible created inventories in P2 will display. Select the count you want and then proceed to scan the pallets accordingly.  Once all pallets have been scanned the user in P2 will then need to go to the Variance tab and print the count variance for any discrepancies that need rechecked or mark the count as Complete Count/Update Inventory.  


Field Definitions:  Right click on the highlighted word to open in a new tab

Details tab

Data Entry

Variance tab

Schedule tab

Special Notes:

Running Physical Inventory allows you to compare the sum-on-hand balances entered in Primarius against what is physically on-hand in the warehouse.

Once a Physical Inventory has been started, all transactions affecting the inventory balance must be stopped. This includes receipts, converting pre-receipts to receipts, order processing, and other inventory adjustments.

System Setups:


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