Pallet KB-194

Warehouse Management  



The grid view can be changed at any time by clicking the settings icon located in the bottom left corner of the page and there are options to reset the grid preferences back to the original display and to reload the page. The columns of the grid can be adjusted by using a mouse and hovering over the column dividers, left click and hold to drag the line to increase/decrease the width. Hover to the right of a column line and an arrow will popup and you can select your sort option. (ascending/descending/remove sort)


Process Description:

This was previously referred to as Warehouse Move on the older Bar Code software. This is used to move product from one location to another location whether its to move it to a new location or combine pallets.



To move Scan Pallet to Move to New Location  Type/scan the source pallet and click   Submit. 

Confirm Pallet xxx Move from Location xxx  The page displays the Product Name, Quantity, and Current Location.  A message displays Are you sure you want to move pallet xxx from Location xxx? Click cancel to return or   Confirm    to continue and a message displays    Pallet xxxxxx was successfully checked out.   Click Close

Pallet Moves In Progress   Select the checked out pallet from the drop-down menu and click    Scan New Location   
This feature is used if maybe you started to do some moves but didn't finish moving it-this will show any pallet moves that haven't been completed. Also in the main Primarius software, under inventory moves you will see all transfers listed in/out and you can see if you have 3 out transfers and only 1 in transfer that you have 2 incomplete transfers that must be finished with this pallet moves in progress option.

Move Pallet xxxx from Location xxxx to New Location.  Type/scan the new location and click  Submit  

Confirm Move of Pallet xxxxx From Location xxxxx to Location xxxxx. Click Cancel to return or    Move to New Location    to continue and a confirmation  display Pallet xxxxx was successfully moved to Location xxxxx. Click Close.  


Replenishment is used in conjunction with the P2 software.  For any orders to show up on this screen, the user in P2 must select the order(s) from the replenishment tab first.  Once the orders have been checked for replenish then when you click on Replenishment all orders that have been flagged for replenishment are now part of the replenishment process.  Replenishment is done by product store not by an order.  Select the type of storage to replenish, such as DRY or REFRIDGERATED , the next screen will display the Location, Product Reference, the Product Name, the Pallet and where it should move to in order to pick the order.  Select a Location and complete the steps shown on the screen.


This is used to combine cases from multiple pallets to one pallet ID; the product must be the same for each pallet. 

Combine Pallets  Type/scan the Source Pallet then click   Submit    then type/scan the Destination Pallet and the system prompts Are you sure you want to combine pallet xxxx into xxxxx?  Click Cancel to return or   Combine   to continue and a message displays Pallet xxxx was successfully combined into pallet xxxxx.  Click Close.


This is used to update the hold status of a pallet. 

Update Hold Status.  Enter the pallet number and click   Submit.    A  new page opens and the system prompts  Would you like to add a hold to this pallet?  Click Cancel to return or   Add Hold   to continue and a message displays The hold status for pallet xxxxx has been updated successfully.  Click Close.  To remove a hold from a pallet enter the pallet number and a message displays  Would you like to remove the hold from this pallet?  Click Cancel to return or    Remove Hold   to continue and a message displays The hold status for pallet xxxxx has been updated successfully.  Click Close 


Scan Pallet to Move to New Location.  Type/scan the source pallet and click   Submit  

Confirm Pallet xxxxxx Move from Location xxxxxx  The page displays the Product Named, Quantity, and Current Location and prompts  Are you sure you want to move pallet xxxx from Location xxxx? Click Cancel to return or   Confirm    to continue and a message displays   Pallet xxxx was successfully checked out,   click Close.

Pallet Moves in Process  Select a checked out pallet from the drop-down menu then click Scan New Location.  Type/scan the new location and click   Submit  

Confirm Move of Pallet xxxx from Location xxx to Location xxx.    The page displays the Product Name, Quantity, and Current Location and prompts Are you sure you want to move pallet xxx from Location xxx to Location xxxx? Click Cancel to return or     Move to New Location.     A message displays   Pallet xxx was successfully moved to Location xxxx.    Click Close


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