PWW Your Account KB-193

Your Account  

PWW Your Account

My Agency:

The agency name is displayed along with the food bank's reference for the agency. There are four tabs available: Details, Addresses, Contact, and Hours. There is an option to export data and to add additional addresses, contact and hours using the   + add  feature. One address may have multiple address types, for instance the agency mailing address may also be the billing address and the shipping address. Just as one contact person may be the individual that orders are shipping to, billed to and also the main contact for the agency.


Displays the agency main contact and address. There are details about the agency are displayed, if anything is incorrect contact the food bank directly.


The main address displays, if any changes are needed click Edit and the EDIT ADDRESS details page opens, make any necessary changes then click  Save   and a message displays The record was updated successfully.   If the address is no longer used then click   Deactivate   You are about to navigate away from the current page and any unsaved changes will  be lost.  Are you sure you wish to leave this page? Click No to return or Yes to continue and the system prompts Are you sure you wish to deactivate this agency address?  This is a 2 step verification before the address is deactivated because it cannot be reactivated.  Click   Cancel   to return or   Deactivate   to continue and a message displays The record was deactivated  successfully.

Click   +Add New Address   and a new page opens.  Choose the address Type(s) and complete the necessary fields, click  Save  and a message displays The record was saved successfully.  Continue to add any additional addresses or click   Close   when finished.


The Main Contact is displayed, if any changes are necessary click Edit and the EDIT AGENCY CONTACT details page opens, make any changes then click Save and a message displays The record was updated successfully.  If the contact is no longer used click   Deactivate   and the system prompts Are you sure you wish to leave this page? Click No to return or Yes to continue to deactivate the address.

Click   +Add New Contact   and a new page opens.  Choose the Contact Type(s) and complete the necessary fields, click  Save   and a message displays The record was saved successfully.  Continue to add any additional addresses or click  Close  if finished.


If there are hours for the agency in the system they display here. To make any changes click Edit and the EDIT AGENCY SCHEDULE page appears, make any changes needed then click  Save  and a message displays The record was updated successfully. If the address is no longer used then click   Deactivate   and the system prompts Are you sure you sure you wish to deactivate this agency schedule.  Click Deactivate to continue and a message displays The record was deactivated successfully.

To add hours click   +Add New Hours   and a new page opens, complete the fields and click  Save. 

Edit My Profile:

There are three tabs displayed:

Edit Profile Change the Email address or user name for the agency defaults. If the fields are changed click  Save. 

Change Password This is used to change the password. If the password is changed click  Save. 

Change Pin Code This is used to change the pin code. If the Pin Code is changed click  Save. 

My Messages:

This page has 3 tabs for messages: Inbox, Unread and Trash. The grid will display the sender, the subject (if any), the content, the sent date and the read date if applicable.

Log Off:

Click to close Primarius


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