PWW Order History
The main page displays all open orders and there are options to view the Open Accounts Receivable and to export the data. The grid displays the relevant order information including the various order stages as updated by the food bank.
Click View to see the order details and a new page opens, at the top of the page is the **Current Status: ** If you need to change a pending order contact the food bank directly. When an order is first placed the status displayed will be Data Entry. The food bank will update the order and the current status displays here.
Data Entry This is the first step of the order, this displays once the order is placed online, if changes to the product is needed the food bank must be contacted directly.
Entered The order has all products placed and is ready to be processed.
Released The food bank has released the product.
Picked The order is ready to be shipped/picked up.
Confirmed The order has been picked up or delivered and is now complete.