PWW Agency Pickup KB-186

Agency Pickup  

PWW Agency Pickup


Agency must be checked Is Agency Pickup (Agency- Preferences tab)

Agency must have the Product Donor added to its Agency Pickup Donors list (Agency-Hamburger)

Product Donor must be checked Is Agency Pickup (Product Donor -Options tab)

Product must be checked Is Agency Pickup (Product- Options tab)


Agency pickup is used when an agency is going directly to the donor for the product(s). The food bank is the facilitator and receives credit from Feeding America for the weight. After the agency picks up the products, it notifies the food bank through the agency pickup feature of what products and the weight that was picked up. The food bank sets up the donors and products that the agency is eligible to use for agency pick up 

The main page displays all donors that the agency is eligible to use.


Locate the donor and click Create Pickup and a new page displays all orderable products.  Select the order amount for each product, when finished click   Save  and a message displays The record was saved successfully

The order is automatically sent to the food bank as a prereceipt and appears under Agency Pickup and PreReceipts.  The food bank marks it to convert to an order and it  is moved to the Completed Orders tab. The PreReceipt is converted a Receipt and the poundage is accounted for.


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