Orders Payments tab
Process Description:
Note: If you deactivate a payment that's applied to an order it DOES NOT DEACTIVATE the payment. It only removes the applied payment from a specific order. If the payment itself needs deactivated you will need to go to Agency- Payemnts, locate the payment and then deactivate the payment.
Order Displays the order number.
Agency Payment Select the Agency name for the payment then click + to display Agency Payment and complete the fields on the Add Agency Payment page.
AR Account Select the Accounts Receivable account to affect.
Pay Amount Enter the amount of the payment.
Discount Amount Enter any applicable discount amount.
Comment Enter any additional comments.
Grant Allocation Select the grant if this money is for the grant.
Project Identifies transactions that carry GL as a particular project from a drop-down list. For instance a project could be a program like Kids Cafe or it could be a fundraiser like Jazz Festival.