Orders Misc Charge KB-180


Orders Misc Charge

Misc Charge Select any type of misc charges to add such as a membership fee or finance charge. (This can also be set at the agency level but it's easier to use them during the order process.) If an agency places a PWW order and marks it IS Delivery, then the food bank may need to add a Misc Charge for Delivery fees if they charge the agencies for deliveries. (These charges are set up by the food bank administrator, if something is missing please see them to add/correct.)

Method Displays how the service charge applies such as a fixed rate or a percentage. This populates based on the type of Misc Charge being used and it cannot be changed.

Misc Rate Enter the rate to charge for instance, if there is a .01 charge for each item ordered. If the charge is preset then this field populates with the default amount. For instance if there is a misc charge for product of .01/lb then the misc rate will default to .01.

Quantity This will multiply the rate times the quantity entered here to give a total of the misc charge that will be added to the order.

Misc Cost This is the total of the miscellaneous costs being added to the order (it is the Misc rate multiplied by the Quantity).


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