Orders Line Items tab KB-179


Orders Line Items tab

Product Reference *  Select the product.

Quantity  * Enter the quantity of products for the order.

Unit Price  * This field populates based on the product cost entered for the product or the receipt. It can be overridden to a zero price/zero service fee.

Service Fee * This field populates based on how the product was entered on the receipt, product or agency levels. This is a dollar amount that will be added per pound of product being ordered. Depending on how the food bank administrator permissions are set this can either be by a view only field or it can be an edited field. If the field allows for edits, it can be used to override any service fees that are set up on the product/agency/receipt level as an exception for an agency instead of having to set up a service fee level that may only apply to one or a couple of agencies. To override this price you would need to have permissions set by the food bank administrator.

Detail Notes These are internal notes and do not show up anywhere on the pick list or invoice.

Zero Price Check if there is no cost to the agency for this product on this particular order. This will override any cost defaults set for the product, receipt or agency.

Zero Service Fee Check if there is no service fee for this product on this particular order. This will override any cost defaults set for the product, receipt or agency.

 Description  Displays any product description that was added in the inventory setup of this product.
 Category Displays the Feeding America category that was set up in the product inventory.
 Nutrition Displays whether the product has nutritional value.
 UOM Displays the unit of measure for this product.
 Available  Displays how much of the product is in available in inventory.
 Unit Weight Displays the unit weight of the product.
 Limit Displays if there is a limit to ordering this product.
 Is Mixed Product  A product can be pound item/group item or a mixed product. The case items can have varying weights,its tracked by quantity and weight of each case/box received.
 Storage Displays how the product is stored in the warehouse.
 Change Base Price

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