Nutrition Exclusions
The grid view can be changed at any time by clicking the settings icon located in the bottom left corner of the page and there are options to reset the grid preferences back to the original display and to reload the page. The columns of the grid can be adjusted by using a mouse and hovering over the column dividers, right click and drag the line to increase the width.
Export Data to Export Grid in XLS, CSV, TSV
Save to retain any changes made.
Reset Click to undue any changes made prior to the last save.
Deactivate Click to deactivate the nutrition exclusion.
This page displays any nutrition exclusions for the grant allocation.
Click Edit to view or Deactivate a nutrition exclusion.
Click +Add Nutrition Exclusion and a new page opens. Select what nutrition type to exclude from the grant allocation and click Save .
Locate the category, click Edit and a new page opens. Click on Deactivate and the system prompts Are you sure you wish to deactivate this grant allocation nutrition exclusion? Click Cancel to return or Deactivate to continue and a message displays The record was deactivated successfully.