Miscellaneous Cash KB-164


Miscellaneous Cash


Payment Method (created in System Element Setup) 

Total Amount



Miscellaneous Cash is used when the food bank receives cash that is not intended to pay agency balances. The cash needs to be accounted for before it can be included on a bank deposit slip.

The main page displays any Open Miscellaneous Cash. There are also tabs for any Posted or Inactive posts. There is an option to export data and add new miscellaneous cash.


Click    +Add New Miscellaneous Cash,   a new page opens. Complete the fields for the reference number, reference date,  payment method and the amount then click   Save.   A message displays The record was updated successfully and a new page opens. Click   +Add New Miscellaneous Cash Detail.   This page is used to specify where the cash will post. There can be multiple details added for the cash receipt.  For instance, if $1000.00 was received it can be credited to multiple revenue accounts such as the $500 to a checking account and $500 to a savings account. Click   Save   after each detail is added, when complete click  Close   to return to the line items page then click on the    Miscellaneous Cash    tab. If the information is correct click  Save   to retain all information entered or   Reset   to clear all entries.

Select the Revenue Account ID.  

Enter the payment amount.

Enter any additional comments about this cash receipt.

Select any applicable Grant Allocations.

Select any applicable projects this cash is designated for.

Click  Save   then click on Close when finished.


If an entry was entered incorrectly there are two options to correct it. As long as the entry still appears in the Open tab click Edit. If the whole entry is incorrect click Deactivate and the system prompts Are you sure you wish to deactivate this miscellaneous cash?  Click Cancel to return or Deactivate to continue and a message  displays The record was deactivated successfully

If just an item is incorrect click on Line Items, click Edit on the incorrect line item, the   Edit Miscellaneous Cash Details   opens again and choose Deactivate. The system prompts You are about to navigate away from the current page and any unsaved changes will be lost. Are you sure you wish to leave this page? Click No to return or Yes to continue. Before deactivating the system prompts again Are you sure you wish to deactivate this miscellaneous cash detail?  This is a safety built in so that items are not deactivated in error. To continue click   Deactivate,  the message displays The record was updated successfully. Click on the   Miscellaneous Cash   tab again and click   Save. 


Find the Misc Cash item, click Edit then click   Reactivate   and the system prompts Are you sure you wish to Reactivate this miscellaneous cash?  Click   Cancel    to return or   Reactivate   and a message displays The record was reactivated successfully.


Reference Number Depending on the food bank system administrator choices for this field will either be system generated or type in a unique identifier for this cash.

Reference Date Select the date the cash was received.

Payment Method Select how the money was received.

Revenue Account Id  Select how the cash was received.  

Deposit Id

  All fields marked with a * must be completed.  Dark grey boxes are view only and cannot be changed.

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