Inventory 1 KB-145


Inventory 1



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Process Description:

The main page displays the Inventory for each product. There are 2 additional tabs: Adjust displays all adjustments in the system and allows you to create a new inventory adjustment.  The Contributor to Agency Summary displays the donor/agency relationship for any products distributed.  (This will enable you to track any recalled items.)

The Adjust DOES NOT display the adjustments and reasons that will be found under the Inventory tab- Inventory Adjustments.  It does display the receipt information, quantity, location, weight, etc., as well as allows you to add a new adjustment. Once the adjustments are made they will show up in the Inventory Adjustments feature giving you the amount that was adjusted and the adjustment reason and receipt information.  



The Inventory will display how much product the food bank has on hand. It breaks down the quantities for committed, allocated, reserved and available.  From this page you can see the Receipt/Location tab and the Summary tab of the product inventory. There is also an option to perform an advanced search, export the data and add an inventory adjustment. Explanations for the various fields can be found in the Definitions section of this page.


To edit any receipts click on Adjust.  If changes are made click  Save   Click   Close  to return to the main page.  



To add an adjustment click    +Add Inventory Adjustment   and a new page opens.  Complete the fields click   Save.  a message displays The record was saved successfully. Click   Close   to return to the main page.

 Any fields marked with  *  must be completed.  Dark grey boxes are view only and cannot be changed.


Field Definitions:


Warehouse Select the warehouse that contains the product that is being adjusted.

Warehouse Location Select/Type the location within the warehouse.

Pallet Select/Type the pallet being adjusted. fF you put in the wrong pallet you will get an error when you click Save that the product is not on that pallet.

Receipt Select/Type the receipt that contained the product being adjusted.

Product Select/Type the product.

Quantity Enter the Quantity to adjust by. If you are decreasing the quantity by 2 then you would enter -2.

Weight This will prefill based on the quantity entered.

Available This displays the total amount of product that can be adjusted (you cannot adjust more then you started with).

Adjustment Reason Select from the drop-down menu.

Comment Enter any comments about this adjustment.


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