ITR KB-137

Inventory Transaction Report  



The grid view can be changed at any time by clicking the settings icon located in the bottom left corner of the page and there are options to reset the grid preferences back to the original display and to reload the page. The columns of the grid can be adjusted by using a mouse and hovering over the column dividers, left click and hold to drag the line to increase/decrease the width. Hover to the right of a column line and an arrow will popup and you can select your sort option. (ascending/descending/remove sort)


Active Select to view all active reports.

Archived Select to view all archived reports.

Advanced Search

Filters Object - select from drop-down menu, Field - select from drop-down menu, Comparison - select from drop-down menu, Search Term - Enter what you are searching for.

+Add Filter to add more filters.

Results Fields Select field names to display from drop-down.

  Execute   to start the Search.

Export Data to Export Grid in XLS, CSV, or TSV format. Select a Data Filter to get the data you want to export and click the Export button.


The main page displays any active ITR reports. There are options to view the archived reports, search, export data and to run a new ITR.


Click View to see the existing ITR report. There will be options to    Download ITR   or   Archive Data   or to   Purge Data.   The Name, Transaction dates and the System Order Date Type Id.


Click on   + Run New ITR   and a new page opens. There is a warning across the top of the screen that states **The Inventory Transaction Report should only be initiated during off-hours when there is no other activity in the system** . Type in the name of the report then select the start/end dates and select the System Order Date Type Id from the drop-down menu (confirmed or picked up).


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