Handbill KB-136

Warehouse Management  



Before you can use the handheld device to select a handbill, the handbill must first be created in Primarius. There are three options to choose from:


There are two ways to use this, either by agency or by order #:  Either enter the order number or click on   New Handbill Order   and type in the Agency Reference number and click   Submit  

If using the order #

Scan Pallet to Add to Order  The Agency information displays, type/scan the pallet and click   Submit  

Enter Quantity from Pallet xxx for Order xxx  This page displays the order #, Agency and the Product information. Enter in the quantity and click   Submit     

If using the agency#

Enter Agency for Creating Handbill  Type in the agency reference and click   Submit  

Confirm Agency for Creating Handbill   The name of the agency will populate as well as the Agency Ref.  If the correct agency is displayed click    Add A New Handbill Order.   

Scan Pallet to Add Order Enter the Pallet # and click   Submit  

Enter Quantity from Pallet xxx for Order xxxxx and Click    Submit   The page displays the Agency information and the product name and reference that is on that pallet.

For this feature to work the order must have been created with  a handbill or it must be picked complete. If the order is picked complete, type in the order # and a new page opens the Order number and the Agency; enter the pallet to assign for this order and click    Submit    Enter the quantity from the pallet for the order and click   Submit


This is used to move pallets from one warehouse to another warehouse

Scan Transfer for Handbill    There are two options: either type in the Transfer number or click New Handbill and type in the Warehouse Reference number and click   Submit   Click on   Reset   to clear out all entries.


Confirm Parent Product for Creating Food Box Handbill  Enter the quantity to create and click     Add a New Handbill Food Box    (quantity must be greater then 1)

Scan Pallet To Add to Food Box  Enter in the pallet that the food box and click   Submit  

Enter Quantity from Pallet xxxx for Food Box xx  Enter in the quantity of product that is being used and the quantity of that product that will be in each food box. The page displays the parent product for the food box and the product that is being included in the food box being created and click Submit. A message displays Pallet xxx was successfully added to Food Box xx. Click Close to return.


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