Grant tab KB-128


Grant tab

Grant Ref If this field is greyed out it is system generated otherwise create a unique reference number. (This is determined by the system administrator.)

Name Type in a name for the grant.

Grantor This displays the name of the grantor.

Projected Amount Enter the dollar amount requested/expected. (this does not affect accounting, this is just an estimated amount of what is expected.)

Project Director Select who is responsible for this grant. (not a required field)

First Priority of the Grant (1 First 9 Last) to determine the priority of grants with the same Effective Date. A grant with a priority of one will be used before a grant with a priority of seven. When creating a new grant the prior default is nine. Only change the priority if you are concerned about the grant being used up before any others.

Expires Priority of the Grant (1 First 9 Last) to determine the priority of grants with the same Expiration Date. This is used as a secondary priority when determining which grants to use first when more than one grant is due to expire at the same time. Priorities can be either numerical or alphabetical. A grant with a priority of one will be used before a grant with a priority seven. A grant with a priority of A will be used before a grant with a priority of J.

Grant Stage Select from the drop-down menu. Active is a grant that has been received and is currently being used, Completed is a grant that was received and has been depleted, Denied is a grant that was requested but not received and Requested is a grant that has been requested but not received yet once a determination is made it is then changed to Active or Denied. 

Award Type Select from the drop-down menu some examples could be: based on FASB 2016-14 you should be using Grants with donor restrictions  or Grants without donor restrictions.

Audit Required Choose True or False.

Effective Date The date the grant will be recognized by the system.

Expiration Date The date the grant will no longer be recognized by the system.

Extended Date To extend the date the system will recognize the grant.

Notify Date The date the Grantor is expected to Notify if the grant request was approved.

Comment Add any additional comments about the grant.


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