Grant Payments KB-127

Grant Payment  

Grant Payments



Payment Method

Total Amount



The main page displays all Open Grant Payments. There are tabs to view the Posted and Inactive Grant Payments as well as to export data and the option to add a new grant payment.


Locate the grant payment, click Edit and a new page opens with the grant payment. Click Line Items to view details about the grant. If any changes are made click   Save. 


Add  New Grant Payment

Click   +Add New Grant Payment    and a new page opens, select the grantor. Complete the fields and click  Save.   A message displays The record was saved successfully and the line items tab opens. Enter a unique reference for your payment and complete the remaining fields, click Save when finished. Next you'll need to select + Add New Grant Payment Detail and choose the Grant. Complete the fields on the page and click Save.

Deactivate a Grant Payment 

Locate the grant payment to deactivate and click Edit and a new page opens. Click  Deactivate   and the system prompts  Are you sure you wish to deactivate this grant payment?  Click  Cancel   to return or click   Deactivate   to continue and a message displays The record was deactivated successfully.


Field Definitions:

Reference Number Enter the reference number used for the payment.

Reference Date Select the date for the payment.

Payment Method Select how the payment was received.

Total Amount Enter the amount of the payment.

Deposit Id Once the payment is posted to the GL this field will be populated.

Special Notes:

System Setups:

Company Setups:

The grid view can be changed at any time by clicking the settings icon located in the bottom left corner of the page. This will allow you to choose what is being viewed.


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