GO LIVE Implementation KB-116

P2 Core System  

GO LIVE Implementation

Process Description

This page discusses some key points when doing a conversion from Classic Primarius to P2. It is best to do a conversion after an Inventory period-Month End or even Quarter End if your food bank reports to Feeding America. Before a final conversion is run it's a good idea to run ITR and A/R in Classic and P2 and ensure the data matches. This way when we run the final conversion we shouldn't have any issues to resolve. 


- Verify current version of Classic Primarius. You may be updated to a newer version prior to conversion:

If converting from P1 to P2, you should verify that you have the latest version of all the P1 applications that you currently have installed. For Primarius desktop, this needs to be at least 1.11.0048. The latest version of AP is 1.00.0038. The latest version of GL is 1.00.310, and the latest version of Donor Vantage is 1.00.0260. If you don’t currently have AP, GL and/or DV installed, you don’t need to install it.

You can download updates from https://www.goprimarius.com/login/customer-login/. The user name and password to access the software download page is the same as what is displayed for Primarius University (support@goecca.com is the user name and primarius@814 is the password.).

All updates to Primarius software for your food bank MUST be done when logged onto the server’s desktop, either by using an RDP connection to the server or by physically being at the server. Updates should NOT be run from a workstation.

Before updating ECCA application on the server, be sure that any workstations that may not have had their local ECCA software updated are set up correctly so that updated files from the server can be successfully copied to the local workstation. On each workstation, check that any installed ECCA applications have the server name at the end of the command line in the shortcut, Example: Primarius desktop shortcut’s command line for Target should be something like

“C:\Program Files (X86)\ECCA\Primarius\NFBSUserWithSVR.exe” YourServerNameGoesHere

And the Start In folder needs to match the location of the client executable. For Primarius, this means that it is probably

“C:\Program Files (x86)\ECCA\Primarius”

And NOT “C:\Users\Public\Desktop”

Verify that the local client PC’s ECCA folder has full control permission for Domain Users for the same domain that the main Primarius server belongs to.

Workstations that have already been through an update should already be set up correctly. If a client workstation gets an error about copying a file after updating an application on the server, it usually means that the local client PC is not starting up in the correct folder or that the currently logged in Window user does not have rights to write/modify files in the location where the client software is installed locally.

- Compare the open AR between P2 and Classic.

Compare the AP Aging between P2 and Classic (*accounting users only).

Run and compare the ITR and QPR, this should be done every time a conversion is run up to the final conversion.



- Every Food Bank must complete a P2 Implementation Go Live Check List with their support representative before the final conversion.


- ALL TRANSFERS must be completed.

- ALL FOOD BOXES in the build process must be completed and confirmed OR you can delete them and rebuild them in P2 (whichever you choose to do).

- Run an A/R report and ITR report and save them as a PDF for any future audits-this will allow you to see the ending A/R prior to conversion in case there is any questions about the integrity of the conversion. Do this for Classic Primarius and P2.  

- Go through the BEFORE YOU BEGIN section of the wiki.

- Send your  Blue Receipts in Classic Primarius,this means that your receipts should be confirmed prior to the final conversion!!  Any unsent receipts will never be swept to in P2 because the default start date for receipts will be your "go-live" date.  It will never include any older receipts. THIS IS IMPORTANT!! If you do not want to include specific receipts for FA that are flagged as "blue receipts" then you must change the received date to AFTER the conversion date for it to send as part of P2 FA Blue receipts.  Please ask for clarification if you do not understand this.

- Post Agency Payments.

- Post all open Journal Entries.

- Post everything open to the GL.

- Post any deposits.

- Import receipts must be run before conversion if using the Classic AP.

- Make sure your Invoice LOGO is in the system in P2 (Setup-Internal Document Layout).

- Create any necessary GL's if posting to the GL.

- DISABLE agencies from logging into PWW to prevent any ordering while entering data in P2 and this will also prevent them using the old Web Window instead of the new PWW.

- Receipts must be confirmed.  If your food bank did not normally confirm receipts, please contact us, we have the ability to confirm all receipts in one action. (please note the FA Blue Receipts info previously mentioned above)


- Verify all Data Ranges are set for what you want the system to auto assign (Donors, Vendors, Agency, Orders, PO's, etc.).

- Make sure there is a Warehouse Transform Location setup for all warehouses and that the Default Receiving Location is the one you want to use.

- Setup Schedulable Resources including creating templates and schedules if you want to use this feature.

- Setup Schedule Locations.

- If you used specific scheduling of loading docks/delivery vehicles those will need to be added.

- Allocations must be set up if you're using Allocations in Classic Primarius.

- Create any User Defined Fields that you may need/want.

- Run an Agency contact report.

          -ensure that each agency has an Order Email Contact otherwise the agency will not get email generated statements.

- If you are using Positive Pay Export you will need to make a copy of the system report and then add your food bank and financial institution information in the fields available.

- Make a copy of the AP Check Header and AP Check Invoice and add your food bank information into available fields.

- If on bar-coding Check the Auto Assign Pallet feature from the Warehouse setup if you wish to use this and determine if you're going to use outbound pallet-if so turn that on in the Warehouse.

If you are using barcoding please click the link below:



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