FA Product Category KB-98

FA Product Category  

FA Product Category


FA Product Category Ref


QPR Group (created in System Element Setup) if you are a Feeding America affiliated food bank.


Process Description:

Add all FA categories that your food bank will use.  Below are just a few examples.


The main page displays all active Feeding America (FA) product categories.  There are options to view the inactive product categories as well as to perform an advanced search, export date and add new FA product categories.  These are just samples; sometimes you'll see DON at the end for donated products, PUR for purchased products, USDA for government products.  This is up to your food bank but once they are created it's best not to change them.


To Add a new category click   +Add FA Product Category   and complete the fields then click  Save.  

FA Product Category Ref Enter the reference code to be used.

Name Enter the name of the FA product category.

QPR Group Select the category that will be used for the quarterly poundage report.





Definitions These are some common FA Product categories, your food bank may differ

TEFAP The Emergency Food Assistance Program are products that are provided as no cost to those in need of short-term hunger.

PRODUCE  Used for product that is classified as produce.


CSFP Products for senior citizen. Commodity Supplemental Food Program.

PDO-P (PURCHASED)  PDO-D (DONATED) PDO-F (USDA)  A 501(C)(3) organization or a wholly owned subsidiary of a 501(c)(3) organization that is NOT A MEMBER but fulfills primary member functions (product distribution management, agency relations management, food solicitation, fundraising for hunger-related activities, media and community relations for hunger-related activites) on behalf of the member through a defined portion of a member's service area served (one food bank might encompass 5 counties spread out so wide that the food bank can PDO's to enable them to have more then one location to distribute products from).

RDO  PDO-P (PURCHASED) RDO-D (DONATED) RDO-F (USDA) A 501(c)(3) organization or a wholly owned subsidiary of a 501(c)(3) organization with which a member has entered into a valid agreement for the purpose of logistical transfer of Product and in which the 501(c)(3) organization will perform one or more, but not all, of the following primary member functions: product distribution management, agency relations management, food solicitation, fundraising for hunger-related activities, media and community relations for hunger-related activities.

AFFIL-P USDA  (PURCHASED) AFFIL-D (DONATED)  AFFIL-F (USDA) This is for product transfers from one affiliated food bank to another food bank QPR group.


CLUSTER-P (PURCHASED) CLUSTER-D (DONATED) CLUSTER -F (USDA) This is a group of food banks in a given area and they pool their buying points to get donations from Feeding American. There is a Cluster Head (where the donation is delivered to) and Members (other food bank's in the cluster).  A food bank can get products directly from Feeding America and  transfer products to another cluster member-this allows them to put a bid for a truck of something (combined buying power). The head cluster member is used for receiving the product for FA reporting purposes so it's not duplicated as the product is moved around.

OTHER-P (In the Purchased QPR Group)-use this when it does not go into any of the other codes for Purchased.

PRIVATE  Part of Purchased-dollars used to purchase products for Privately Funded programs.

LOCAL from a local government funded program.

SNAP State Funded SNAP or similar program.

FEMA from a FEMA emergency food and shelter program.

MISCELLANEOUS  Used for products that do not fall in any other category.  

MFGD  Manufactured goods.

RETAILWHSL  Retail wholesale products.


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