Email Queue KB-91

Email Queue  

Email Queue



All emails generated in P2 can be managed from this page. The grid displays Pending and Sent emails on differnet tabs. Pending emails are divided into Outbox or Inactive. From this page you can also export all of the information or create a new email message.  Any Pending or Sent email can be viewed, deactivated or sent manually. 


The main page displays emails in the Outbox and has 2 tabs: Pending and Sent. Any composed emails that have not been sent will be displayed in the Outbox. The message can be viewed but not edited.

+ New Message

Click   +New Message   and the Compose Email Message screen opens. Complete the email and click   Send   and a message displays The email message was sent successfully. Click   Close   to return to the Outbox. To send the email, locate the message and click View then select Send Now and the system displays The message was sent successfully.


Click View on any message still in the Outbox and select   Deactivate   and a message displays The record was deactivated successfully.


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