Credit Memos
Process Description:
Credit memos are used to give an agency credit for returned product or for a product which was placed on an order but never received by the agency. When you create a credit memo the system will make an inventory adjustment for the quantity and weight and adds it back into your inventory. If the product should not be part of the inventory, you will need to do an inventory adjustment to remove in the case that it's spoilage/damage/pigsfeed, etc.(Remember that when you do an inventory adjustment to REDUCE your inventory you put in a NEGATIVE quantity). If you shorted the original order you should not have to adjust your inventory.
The main page displays all In Process credit memos and there are options for viewing the Confirmed credit memos, to perform an advanced search and to export data.
Locate the credit memo click Edit and a new page opens the credit memo details tab. The Line Items tab displays the product, quantity, weight, price, and service fees associated with the credit memo. Click View to see the credit memo details and Additional Product Information.
Issuing a credit memo is done through Agency Orders. Locate the Order and click Edit then select Add Credit. If this field is greyed out it will be system generated otherwise enter a unique reference number, verify the information displayed is correct and click Save. The Line Items tab opens, click +Add New Credit Memo Ref select the product, type in the negative quantity, add any notes then click Save and a message displays The record was saved successfully. When all items have been entered click Close to return to the Line Items page. Once the credit memo entry is verified click Entry Complete to start issuing the credit memo. To finalize the credit memo click Confirm and a message displays The transaction was successfully confirmed. Once the credit memo is confirmed it can be sent to the agency via the Email Credit Memo or print a hard copy to mail to the agency.
Dark grey boxes are view only and cannot be changed.
Field Definitions:
Details Tab
Credit Memo Ref If this field is greyed out it is system generated otherwise create a unique identifier. (this is determined by the food bank administrator)
Related Order Displays the order associated with the credit memo.
Agency Contact Select the name of the person who is responsible for this order.
Agency Address The address for the order.
Warehouse The warehouse where the product being ordered is stored displays. It cannot be changed.
Pickup Warehouse If this order will be picked up at another warehouse other than the one displayed in the Warehouse field, select the correct warehouse in the Pickup Warehouse field. If a Default Pickup has been assigned to this agency in Agency Maintenance, then this field will default to that warehouse.
Pickup Delivery Date This displays the date and time the delivery was made.
Picked Up By Select the authorized person who will receive the order. The list contains the names that were entered in the Contacts tab in Agency Maintenance. This field can be left blank if unknown.
Shipping Method Select the method used to pick up or deliver the order. If you are using the Scheduling feature then the Ship Via is filled in with the delivery truck or pickup dock that was assigned to the order.
Hand Bill This is for bar code users only. Check if the order was taken via the bar code reader.
Is Delivery Check if the order is to be delivered. If unchecked it is assumed that the agency will be picking the order up.
Is Retail Pickup Check if the agency picked up the product directly from the vendor/product donor.
Is Mobile Pantry Drop Check if a truckload of food is distributed to clients in prepacked boxes or through a farmers market style distribution where clients take what they need.
Notes Displays any notes that were on the order.