Clients Services Clients
This page displays the Agency's Active clients, there is also a tab for the Inactive clients. Clients are members of a household and cannot be created from this page only edited. Once a household is created you need to add all household members to it from the Members tab under Household.
The Client page displays basic information about your client as well as what household the client belongs too.
For instance if you set a household for the J.Smith Family and added 3 person to that household. J Smith, a spouse and a child, all three will display on the Clients page but you'll notice that the HH Ref for all 3 members is the same but that the Client Ref for each member is different,. There are options to perform and advanced search and to Export the data.
Locate the client and click Edit and a new page displays. There are tabs for Additional Information, Verification and Notes (notes are for internal purposes only). If any changes are made click Save. Most fields are self-explanatory and are selected from a drop down menu that is set up by the food bank administrator. If you feel a field is missing contact your administrator to have it added. Fields marked with a red! are required, the more fields you complete the easier it is to track your distribution among your clients/households.