Client Services Programs KB-63

Client Services  

Client Services Programs


This page displays all of the client programs set up by the food bank administrator. You cannot add a program from this screen, only the administrator can add it through the System Element Setup. The program works in conjunction with the Orders and Clients. Some examples would be a Client Program called Produce for People, and in the order template the only products that will show up on the order are produce items.  Or have a Client Program called maternity that has quantities and products that pertain just to pregnant clients. 


Client Program These are determined by the system administrator and can be added by that individual. The programs are used to tailor your orders to a certain demographic/client

Client Orders This is used to create an order using a client program, selecting a client and choosing an order template.

Order Template The template is used to make specific products and quantities available to the clients. Templates are predetermined and can be added by the user.


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