Client Services Products
Process Description
The main page displays all Active products, there are options to view the Inactive products, export the data and to add a new product. (no quantities are displayed) This page is used by the agency to track the products it distributes to its own clients, for instance the agency may service food pantries in the area or allow persons to come to the agency directly for products. Products can also be created by the agency. The agency must set up the products being made available to the clients. A unique reference number can be assigned to a product or the agency can use the same product reference number used by the food bank. If creating your own product reference numbers be consistent in doing so.
To Edit
Locate the product and click Edit, you can change the the Related Food Bank Product Reference #, change the agency's Reference Code and the Name of the product that displays to the clients.
To Add
Click + Add Product. If there is a related food bank product you can enter it or search from the drop down menu (this field is not required) The reference code is created by the agency however if it is a food bank product you can use the same Product Ref if you want. When creating a reference code be consistent in your process, lastly enter a name for your product and click Save.
To Deactivate
Locate the product and click Edit, a new page displays the product information, click Deactivate to move it to the Inactive List/Grid. and the system prompts You are about to navigate away from the current page and any unsaved changes will be lost. Are you sure you wish to leave this page? Click No to return or Yes to continue. The screen prompts Are you sure you wish to deactivate this agency product? Click Close to return or Deactivate to continue.
To Reactivate
From the Inactive tab and locate the product and click Edit and choose Reactivate. The system prompts Are you sure you wish to reactivate this agency product? Click Reactivate to continue.