Client Services Orders KB-61

Client Services  

Client Services Orders


The main page displays the active orders, there is a tab to view the inactive orders as well.  Client Orders require multiple steps to complete and are completed using an order template. 


Select Edit and a new page displays the Program for the order, the name of the Client and the product and quantity. The quantity fields can be adjusted using the up/down arrow key or keying in the requested quantity. Click Save when complete.


Select  + Add New Client Order   then select what Client Program the order follows under.  After you select the program you need to select the client, lastly you will select the order template.  The templates are set up for a predetermine product and a predetermined quantity, these cannot be changed.  Verify the information and click Save when completed.


Client Program These are determined by the system administrator and can be added by that individual. The programs are used to tailor your orders to a certain demographic/client

Client Orders This is used to create an order using a client program, selecting a client and choosing an order template.

Order Template The template is used to make specific products and quantities available to the clients. Templates are predetermine and can be added by the user.


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