Client Services Inventory
Process Description:
This page allows the agency to see what products and quantities of products are on hand. There is also a tab to view/create inventory adjustments and an option to export the data. When creating an inventory adjustment you must select the receipt for that product. Select an adjustment reason and enter the quantity to adjust, this is not the new quantity but how many items should the inventory be increased/decreased by.
+Add Inventory Adjustment
To add an inventory adjustment click on the icon and a new page displays. Complete the necessary fields and click Save.
Product Select the product from the drop down menu.
Receipt If you want to adjust from a specific receipt use this field, otherwise it is not mandatory.
Adjustment Reason Select why this product is being adjusted from the drop down menu.
Quantity Enter the amount to adjust the quantity by. To increase add a number to decrease you must put a negative (-) sign in front of the number.
Comment Add any comments to explain the adjustment.