Business Vendor tab KB-53


Business Vendor tab

Ref If this box is greyed out it will be system generated otherwise enter a unique number for this vendor (this is determined by the food bank administrator). This number can be used to reference vendors in other utilities. However, it is not necessary to memorize this number as vendors can be found by name as well.

Name Enter the name of the vendor. 

Parent If the vendor is a member of a larger organization then select the name of the larger organization here (the parent vendor must be created in the Vendor category).

Status Select the most appropriate category for this vendor. For example, this can be an Individual, Company, Agency, etc. If the appropriate category does not show in the drop-down, the system administrator will need to add it in System Element Setup.

Class Of Trade Select the vendor’s trade as a way to classify your vendors. If the appropriate class of trade does not show in the drop-down, the system administrator will need to add it in System Element Setup.

Default Origination Select the correct code from the drop-down menu to be used as a default when entering new receipts from this donor. It should represent the type of receipts that is USUALLY received from this donor.  However, you can change this field on an individual receipt if needed. The originated code on receipts is used to determine which group and which column the product appears on the Quarterly Poundage Report. For example, Yellow or Blue receipts, USDA, Purchased, Other Food Bank, etc. IF YOU HAVE A DONOR THAT GIVES MULTIPLE TYPES OF ORIGINATIONS THEN LEAVE THIS FIELD BLANK.  IT IS A REQUIRED FIELD ON THE PRERECEIPT THEREFORE YOU WILL CHOOSE THE DEFAULT ORIGINATION ON THE PRERECEIPT.  IF YOUR DONOR ALWAYS GIVES THE SAME TYPE THEN GO AHEAD AND COMPLETE THIS FIELD AND IT WILL PREFILL ON THE PRERECEIPT FOR YOU.

Accounts Payable Type Select the accounts payable type for this vendor. If the appropriate type does not show in the drop-down, the system administrator will need to add it in System Element Setup.

Default AP Terms For P2 accounting users only you will need to set a default AP terms (due upon receipts, 2% net 10, due 30 days, etc.). If you try to generate the invoice to pay without this field you will get an error that the terms are missing.

Comment Enter any additional information about the vendor. These comments are for Food Bank purpose only.

ACH/ABA Number   For P2 accounting users only. If the food bank is going to pay vendors via ACH then you will need to complete the ACH/ABA number and the ACH account number.


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