Business Tab KB-52

P2 Core System  

Business Tab

Ref *   If this field is greyed out it will be system generated, otherwise enter a unique identifier for this business donor.

Name * Enter the name of the company, organization, individual, etc. that is donating food. If more than one donor has the same name, then make each name unique so that each donor can be selected by name as well as by reference.

Parent If the donor is a member of a larger organization, then select the name of the larger organization here.

Income Select the donor's income level, if known.

Status * Select the most appropriate category for this donor. For example, this can be an Individual, Company, Agency, etc.

Class Of Trade Select the donor's trade as a way to classify your donors.

Division Select the part of your organization that this donor gives to.

Ranking Some organizations have their own ranking system that they use to organize their donors. For example, an organization may have a system that describes the likelihood of a donor giving money to the organization.

Default Donation/Volunteer Solicitor Select the name of the person who approached the donor about making a donation. If there is none, then select ** None Specified. Solicitors are created in Solicitor Setup (this will not appear on the Solicitor option).

Source of Awareness Select how the donor became informed of your organization.

Comment Enter any additional information about the donor.


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