Before You Begin KB-47

P2 Core System  

Before You Begin

Please Contact us with any questions.

Sheri McCarthy

Matt Sawin

Patty Carson

Pete Leinbach

Gary Green

Jordan Rydzewski

Joel Foessett

--On any page that has transactions we have coded in a View Change Log. This is not quite the same as the audit log as when a change is made it displays the previous value and the new value as well as who made the changes. It is not very obvious, intentionally, and appears in the lower right corner of any transaction page (a product, an agency, an inventory adjustment, a donor, a route, etc.)--


Getting your setups squared away

Creating donors, vendors, agencies and many other applications in P2 require fields that must be created in system element setups. Without these setups completed, you will not be able to add donors, vendors, agencies, products, etc. These setups do not come predefined in Primarius because every food bank has its own way of setting things up. As your needs change you can add/remove fields from the system element setup. It's easy to add more fields as you grow. This will be your first task when new to P2. For those converting from Classic these fields come over, however you may want to tweak things before going live in P2.


1) Regardless of the accounting package you use, there are some required accounting fields that you will want to set up if you're going to post certain things to the GL, such as deposit items, A/R, freight, bad debts, COGs, Inventory, Shared Maintenance, etc. This will enable you to take these figures and match them to your outside accounting package. This includes: Chart of Accounts and GL Categories. If you do not want to match anything, just create a defaul GL Category and a default GL account that will be used as a catch all.

2) A Warehouse and at least one location within the warehouse must be created. The location is required for the default receiving location and the default transform location. Also, once you have created all of your adjustment reasons (see below) you'll assign those adjustment reasons to the Warehouse, -Warehouse-Adjustment Reasons. If you do not assign the adjustment reasons to your warehouses when you try to make an adjustment (waste/pig farmer, transforms, etc.) the reasons will not show up allowing you to complete the adjustment. The adjustment reason is tied to a GL account number (see above).

3) The SMTP information needs to be completed under Setup -General Setup-Email. This information is obtained from your IT. If this is not set up, you can not send blue receipts, email statements, invoices or receipts or emails (this can be done after you final conversion of P2).

4) Determine if Primarius is going to auto-generate your reference numbers. IF you are adding existing reference numbers you can turn this feature off and then after you enter all your old data you can turn it on so that all future reference #'s are generated sequentially. These ranges are found under Setup-General Setup- Ranges. You do not have to use ranges for all features, just pick which ones you would like to have auto-generated.

5) Set up your PWW page for your agencies to use.

6) Determine your users and their roles. Every user needs to have roles assigned to them. Primarius, Web Windows and Warehouse Management each require a different user name.

7) The Internal Document Layout must be completed from the Setup tab. This is used for your agency invoices and includes your logo and header information.

The following fields in RED must also be created before data entry begins. If your food bank does not use some of these fields, you will need to still create a N/A, Unknown or None response. Please look over the System Elements, there are many useful fields that you may wish to utilize that are not required for the initial setup. IF YOU ARE CONVERTING FROM CLASSIC MOST OF THESE FIELDS WILL BE FILLED IN ALREADY BUT ITS A GOOD IDEA TO GO THROUGH THEM AND UPDATE OR MAKE ANY NECESSARY CHANGES.


Chart of Accounts This is created in General Ledger "Chart of Accounts". If you are not posting to the GL then you do not have to complete this however, if you want to post bank deposits and have that match your accounting software then you will need at least a gl for that, possible A/R, freight, etc.

Status This is created in System Element Setup "Contributor Status" examples such as Active, Deceased, Inactive, Farmer, Grower, Packer, Distributor or None. This field can be used when running reports for further classification of your contributors.

FA Donors This is created from Product Resourcing FA Donors. It is required for all Feeding America affiliated food banks. This number is given to the food bank from Feeding America and is used for any Product Donors that should be included on the Blue Receipts.

Product Category  This is created in the Primarius Inventory Menu.  Be sure to mark purchased as purchased and if you're going to charge your agencies for purchased product, check charge base price. For Donated, if it's normally going to have a service fee make sure to check Service Fee.

FA Product Category This is created in the Primarius Inventory "FA Product Category" such as Affil-D, AFfil-F, Affil-P, Cluster-P, Prepared, Miscellaneous, PDO-D, RDO, etc.

Unit of Measure This is created in the System Element Setup "Unit of Measure" such as Case, Unit, Each, Box, Bag, Banana Box, etc.

Items Per Unit This field is already created but you must put in the correct # of units contained in the Unit of Measure. For Instance, if you have a case of spaghetti sauce and the case has 10/16oz jars you would put in 10 for the Items Per Unit. The easiest way to enter these fields is to sort the Unit/Measure by Case to limit the products displayed since Ea or Lb would already have a unit of 1.

Nutritional Value This is created in the Setup-System Element Setup, such as No Value, Choose Often, Choose Seldom, etc.

Product Storage This is created in the System Element Setup " Storage Code" Dry, Refrigerated, Freezer, Surplus Refrigerated, etc.

Adjustment Reason This is created in the System Element Setup ". Once the reasons are set up, you'll need to add the GL Accounts to affect under the Warehouse setup-Adjustment Reasons if you're going to post to the GL

Warehouse This is created in Inventory "Warehouse". After you create a warehouse, you need to create at least one receiving location for the warehouse. On the main page of the Warehouse you will then set the Default Receiving Location from a location you created.

Product Category Warehouse Enter the GL accts or the service fees, sales, inventory,Cogs, A/P. If you're not posting to the GL then you do not have to complete this.

Service Fee This is created in the System Element Setup "Service Fee" such as Member Agency, Agency w/ Discount, Other Food Bank, Full Share, Half Share, etc.

Misc Charges Add things like delivery fee, A/R carryover (if going to P2 from another type of software), Membership Fee, Produce Fee, Bank Charge, etc.

Markup If you don't use a markup create a "none" for the default.

Agency Status This is created in the System Element Setup "Agency Status" such as Active, None. It can be whatever you wish to use it for and gives you another option when filtering agencies with reports.

Agency Type This field is used to assign your agencies to certain types, some examples could be Agency, Foodbank, SDO, etc.

Agency Contact Type has a few default types you can add your own (e.g. director, shopper, contact 2, contact 3, etc.).

City Enter the cities used. You can also create a Unknown for cities outside the normal areas.

County This is created in the System Element Setup "County". Use all of the counties served by your food bank (this is useful for reports and when using limits).

Statistic Group This is created in Agencies " Statistic Setup" such as USDA, CSFP, Pantry, Kitchen, Pantry&Kitchen, etc. (statistics belong to statistic groups- one group is assigned to an agency).

Payment Term This is created in System Element Setup "Payment Term" such as None, Net 10, Due Upon Receipt, Net 30, etc.

Shipping Method This is created in the System Element Setup "Shipping Method" such as XXX Truck, Food Bank Delivery, Agency Truck, Mobile Pantry, etc.

Incoming Payment Method This is created in the System Element Setup "Payment Method" such as Cash, Check, Money Order, Credit Card, etc.

QPR Group This is created in the System Element Setup "QPR Group" such as Donated, Purchased and USDA.

QPR Column This is created in the System Element Setup "QPR Columns" such as Blue, Local, Yellow, etc.

Default Origination This is created in System Element Setup "Origination" examples such as FA Local/Blue Receipt, FA Purchased Product, Purchased, USDA, USDA2, etc.

Default Donation Type This is created in System Element Setup "Default Donation Type" examples such as Backpack, Retail, or if your food bank uses numbers 107, 122, etc.

General Setup This is created in Setup. The fields here are going to depend on your food bank choices.

    General Decide if your food bank wants all products to be default to being covered by a grant (this can be unchecked on an individual product if you use this feature).
    Ranges Decide if Primarius is going to auto assign or if you'll manually add a reference each time an entry is made for each category listed (auto assign would be the preferred method for consistency).
    Orders Decide if Primarius will Auto Apply Grants to Order Entry (this can be unchecked on an individual order if you select this).
    Accounting Decide when Grants should post (Confirm date, Pickup Date, etc.).
    PWW Decide to allow agencies to place multiple orders or to stop new orders before an existing order reaches a certain status, how long the order entry life is, if statistics are required and how often.


Display on Web Shopping List. This is done for EACH product individually. From the Product -Hamburger-Warehouse, select the warehouse used for online orders and check Display on Web Shopping List. If you do not do this, the product won't show up on PWW as orderable.



New food banks-set up a login for each of your agencies, each contact can have a login for PWW with their own unique password. You can create any user name/combination and set a temporary password and allow them to change it when they log on to PWW.

Existing food banks. The agency users are already set up. No changes need made unless it's to add a new user (agencies can do this themselves through the PWW portal as well).

If you're going to use live scheduling, then make sure the schedule resource and its availability is created and that you have live scheduling enabled for the Setup-General Setup- PWW.


Client services is just an optional feature in P2/PWW. It is not required or necessary to use client services.

The following are all created in the System Element Setup: If you are not allowed to collect certain data, then create a None or Unknown option for each of the below. These are only used if the food bank wants the agency to collect information about the clients it is serving or if the agency wants to track its own distribution. If you do not use Client Services, these fields do not need completed. This is NOT the same thing as Statistics.

Client Disability such as Blind, Deaf, None, etc.

Client Education Level such as High School, GED, Unknown, Some College, College Degree, etc.

Client Employment Status such as Full-time, Part-time, Unemployed, Student, etc.

Client Family Relationship such as Self, Spouse, Dependent Parent, Dependent Child, Other Adult, etc.

Client Gender

Client Healthcare Status such as Govt, Subsidized, Private, None, etc.

Client Immigration Status such as Unknown, Undocumented, Green Card, US Citizen, etc.

Client Income Source such as Employment, Unemployment, SSI/SSD, None, Self-Employment, etc.

Client Military Status such as Active Duty, Prior Military, Retired Military, None.

Client Program such as Family Pack, Maternal Pack, Kids Pack, Senior Pack, Produce Bag, Dinner Kit, etc.

Client Race

Client Verification Type such as State ID, Driver's License, Passport, etc.


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