Bar Code Implementation
For Food Banks that will be using the bar code feature of P2 we are going to include directions if you're a brand new implementation (highlighted in dark Red) as well as converting from Classic Primarius bar coding. (highlight in Green) or BOTH (highlight in blue)
Step 1: Equipment and Software This applies to both types of users: P2 and classic
1) A site survey must be conducted to make sure the warehouse has sufficient RF coverage. Special care is needed in the freezer and cooler areas. Back corners can also be a problem if access points and antennas are not placed correctly.
2) Access points and antennas must be purchased, installed and configured
3) Bar code printers must be specified, purchased, installed and configured. Printers must be IPL or ZPL compatible. (Manufacturers: Zebra, Intermec, Datamax, and Sato) (See Appendix A)It is recommended to by a thermal transfer printer vs. a direct thermal printer as the direct thermal label tend to get dark with heat or light over time.. thermal transfer printers require a ribbon but the labels last for years. NEEDS to be installed before Primarius Team arrives.
4) Handheld scanners must be specified, purchased and configured. Scanners can be any manufacturer provided it has a browser installed. The hardware vendor is responsible for configuring the units which include connecting the units to the network and setting the home page in the browser to the bar code software starting page, typically if you're using Classic Primarius it's server(your server that primarius is on)/pintermec . In P2 we provide you with the web page to direct it to. For EXAMPLE ONLY our demo site is:
Check the scanners are able to connect to the P2 software.
. Ensure that Lasers in the scanner have sufficient range. (Manufacturers: Symbol, Intermec, PSC, Wasp, Motorola and Psion) (See Appending A)
- Scanners with the Windows operating system should be checked thoroughly before go live. They will NOT work for printing labels.
MC3300 (Nova Scotia) OK
TC56 (Nova Scotia) ??
CK3XA (Bloomfield) ??
MC9200 (Uniontown) OK
5) Label media must be purchased. Labels are required for racking (4X3) and pallets (4X4). Case labels (4X1) are necessary if being used in the picking process. Labels must be able to withstand the freezer and cooler environment.
6) Primarius Bar code software must be installed and configured on a server capable of running IIS (Internet Information Services). The food bank is responsible for setting up user access to the bar code software via the DSA, Users, User Maintenance and Menu Groups. P2 users are set up under Security-System Users.
7) Be sure that the correct NFBSDSAdmin.ini is in C:\Windows\System32 (for 32 bit OS) or C:\Windows\SysWOW64 (for 64 bit OS.) The bar coding calls the NFBSDataserver1.exe in that folder, and it needs to have that in there.
8) It is also advised that the Anonymous User for IIS for that Web site is set to a domain user (preferably a domain admin) with a non-expiring password that has run the Primarius DSA at least once on that box. ASK MIKE
Step 2: Setup of Warehouse
1) Warehouse location labels must be printed and installed on all warehouse locations. (Data must be in DSA first for Classic) (For P2 users the warehouse locations are set up under Inventory-Warehouse-Warehouse Locations tab and Locations Labels is used to print the labels) THIS SHOULD BE DONE PRIOR TO PRIMARIUS ONSITE TEAM ARRIVES
2) Generic Pallet labels must be printed in sufficient quantity to label each pallet of product in the warehouse(s). (Set the beginning pallet id before printing the tags – ECCA)
Step 3: Training and Implementation
Training shall be provided for the following processes:
Process Date Person(s) trained
1) Receiving / / _____________________
2) Warehouse moves / / _____________________
3) Physical Inventory / / _____________________
4) Order Processing / / _____________________
5) Retail Pickup / / _____________________
6) Warehouse Transfer / / _____________________
7) Product Hold Changes / / _____________________
8) Handbill Processing / / _____________________
9) Transform Changes / / _____________________
10) Housekeeping Doc / / _____________________
A customer is not ready to go live on bar coding until this worksheet is completed.
Step 4 A: Convert to Bar Code (Only required if data is converted or food bank is already on Primarius)
1) ECCA - UPDATE tblFoodbank SET PalletID = 100000 where PalletID< 100000; (to be done when bar code software is installed and before any generic pallet tags are printed.)
2) Customer - Warehouse locations must be identified as Pick or Bulk. (This can be done at anytime.)
3) Customer - Enter the TI-HI for each product. (This can be done at anytime.)
4) Customer - Print a sufficient number of generic pallet tags from the Actions, Inventory, Inventory Setup screen in Primarius to label EVERY pallet in every warehouse at the food bank.
Phase 2 – Right Before Physical Inventory and Data Entry:
1) Customer - Stop receipt, movement and transfer of product. Stop picking orders.
2) Customer – a) Strawberry - All orders that are physically picked must be picked in Primarius and confirmed. b) Vanilla - All other orders must be deleted and re-keyed at step 5) of this phase.
3) Customer - All food box orders that are past the ‘3 Commit’ step MUST be physically picked or the food box order MUST be deleted. (Individual products on food box orders will automatically be assigned a PalletID when the first PalletID is assigned in the setup screen.)
4) ECCA: UPDATE tblFoodbank SET UsePickingOrders = 1, UseBarCode = 1, UsePickLocations = 1, PrintOnRelease = 'rptPickingList1a.rpt'; UPDATE tblFoodbank SET SetPalletIDs = 1; UPDATE tblFoodbank SET PalletID = 100000 where PalletID< 100000; Truncate table [tblLogPhyInv]; this is ECCA step only.
5) Customer: After the preceding SQL statement is run, orders deleted in step 2b of this phase can be re-entered.
6) ECCA – If a conversion is run, make sure that the palletIDS in tblLogDetDet are set to zero after the final conversion.
Phase 3 Physical Inventory with pallet IDs and Data Entry:
1) Customer - Perform a complete physical inventory recording the Warehouse, Location, Product Reference, PalletID and Quantity. Recording the Weight is only required for Mixed Product. Receipt Reference is not used in this process. 2) Customer - Using the Actions, Inventory, Inventory Setup function in Primarius, enter the Warehouse, Location, Product Reference, PalletID and Quantity for every pallet of product. Enter the Weight only for Mixed Product. Do NOT enter the Receipt/Log reference! Do NOT use the setup screen in the bar code software!
Phase 3 Customer - Run ‘zeros’ report, to look for inventory records that still have a zero in the PalletID field. These records must be adjusted or the product must be found and an entry made. For new customers make sure inventory is checked against its own reports, that no pallets are in the warehouse without a pallet ID on it.
Phase 4 – When the Zero’s report is CLEAR:
1) ECCA UPDATE tblFoodbank SET SetPalletIDs = 0; UPDATE tblLogTransfer SET tblLogTransfer.Closed = 1; INSERT INTO tblProductXWH (ProductID, WarehouseID, Inactive, DefaultPickLocID, CanAllocate, POLList, ShoppingList ) SELECT tblProduct.ProductID, tblWarehouse.WarehouseID, tblProduct.Inactive, tblWarehouse.DefaultLocationID, 1, CASE WHEN tblProduct.ShoppingList <> 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, CASE WHEN tblProduct.ShoppingList <> 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM tblProduct CROSS JOIN tblWarehouse WHERE (tblProduct.ProductID NOT IN (SELECT ProductID FROM tblProductXWH AS tblProductXWH_1 WHERE (ProductID = tblProduct.ProductID) AND (WarehouseID = tblWarehouse.WarehouseID))); UPDATE tblProduct SET HiValue = 9999 WHERE HiValue = 0 or HiValue is null; UPDATE tblProduct SET QtyPerPallet= 9999 WHERE QtyPerPallet= 0 or QtyPerPallet is null; 2) Customer – Default Pick Location – Product Master, Warehouse tab a) Floating - must be set to DOCKnnnn. (Replenishment report is looking for DOCK.) b) Static – must be set to a valid pick location.
3) ECCA – An individual product can be in one and only one PICK location within a warehouse.
4) ECCA - Get correct pick list OFB pick list works for non-static picks but requires schedule DET pick list works for static pick locations
Step 4 B: Enter from scratch:
1) create a pre-receipt for each originated code and/or product category with an entry for each product that has current inventory. a. make the quantity and weight zero b. when all products are entered, mark it as received 2) perform a physical inventory a. place a generic pallet tag on each pallet b. record the Location, Product Ref, PalletID, Quantity and Weight i. note: weights are only required for mixed products c. take care to control the count sheets 3) In Primarius, using Actions, Inventory, Inventory Setup, enter the count sheets. STEP 4 A: Worksheet:
Completed By or Person Notified Date
Phase 1 – Install:
1) set pallet ID ____________________________ __/___/___
2) PICK/BULK _______________________________ __/___/___
3) TI-HI _______________________________ __ /___/___
4) generic tags ____________ ________________ __/___/___
Phase 2 – Right Before Physical Inventory and Data Entry:
1) Stop WHSE ops ___________________________ __ __/___/___
2) Order in Process ___________________________ __ __/___/___
3) Food Boxes ___________________________ __ __/___/___
4) Setup for Phys ___________________________ __ __/___/___
5) Setup for Phys ___________________________ __ __/___/___
Phase 3 – Physical Inventory with Pallet IDs and Data Entry:
1) Physical Inventory ______________________________ __/___/___
2) Data Entry ______________________________ __/___/___
3) Zeros report ______________________________ __/___/___
Phase 4 – When Zeros report is CLEAR:
1) Set Pallet Ids _____________________________ __/___/___
2) Set LogTransfer ______________________________ __/___/___
3) Insert ProductXWH _____________________________ __/___/___
4) Set Pick Locations _____________________________ __/___/___
5) One Pick/Product _____________________________ __ /___/___
6) Pick List installed _____________________________ __/___/___
A customer is not ready to go live on bar coding until this worksheet is completed.
Appendix A: Bar Code Equipment Specifications
Please contact us with your barcode specifications to verify it is compatible with P2 software, if purchasing new scanners please contact us for specifications, the bar code reader should optimally have a range of 15 to 20 feet for scanning ability. It is recommended that you use thermal transfer printer as the labels will last for years.
Bar Code Printers 1. IPL or ZPL compatible Printer language should be either IPL or ZPL2 203 dpi printhead (not 300 dpi) 2. Able to handle 4”x 4” label stock 3. EXAMPLES: Intermec, Zebra
Bar Code Scanners 1. Must have a web browser 2. Must have a TAB key 3. EXAMPLES: Intermec, Psion, Symbol, Motorola are other manufacturers. Some food banks have started using pad devices or laptops with blue tooth connected scanners.
Bar Code Labels 1. 4”x 4”w labels used for pallet tags 2. 1”x 4”w labels for mixed product, picking labels, product, donor and agency labels 3. 3”x 4”w labels for locations (optionally you can use 4”x 4”) 4. Make sure that the labels have FREEZER grade adhesive
Appendix B - Hardware Suppliers
AbeTech Maxwell Powers 636.224.3421
Barcode Factory Marina Young 888.237.8525
Appendix C – Bar Code Food Bank Contacts
Gleaners Community Food Bank (Detroit, MI) 313.923.3535
Oregon Food Bank (Portland, OR) John Klosterman 503.282.0555 ex 2248
Regional Food Bank of NE NY (Albany, NY) 518.786.3691