Bar Code Hardware KB-44

Warehouse Management  

Bar Code Hardware

Hardware & before we go Requirements for P2 Barcoding

Primarius sign off sheet before traveling (in no particular order)

Must be completed, signed and dated before we get there

Combined P2 and Classic barcode with some Primarius use

Not all necessarily applicable. Primarius trainer will help determine.

	1600 Peninsula Drive

Erie, PA 16505

• All users who will be using system must have log-ins created and if needed permissions set-up __________

• Email must be set up and tested. ___________

• All Primarius systems to be used must be defined and appropriate staff to attend training and Primarius university __________

• Shopping areas to be defined and a plan in place ________

• Define days of training so a plan for length of stay is in place including weekend so staff who need training will be there. __________

• Clear understanding of what barcoding means and how inventory and processes will be changed ___________

• Media (freezer grade) and Ribbons are currently on site ___________

• Site survey conducted by professional outlet meaning wi-fi signal of at least three bars in ALL areas with doors open and closed in coolers and signals adjusted if needed. Test in warehouse for alarm interference if using Bluetooth. ALL equipment tested. ____________

• GL set up is done even if not using our GL (warehouse, adjustments, etc.) ____________

• Have you read the before you begin in the wiki and understand it? ? ______________ • Printers properly installed and tested (can read a location label not just a test print)? Make sure all needed kinds of 1d labels made available to printer. ___________

• Locations complete (6 characters or less). Test readability on top racks to determine if changes needed. This also helps with Pallet labels angle of scan from the ground. 4th row starts problems. ___________

• Scanners set to WMS site and a home page or Icon set to use and a certificate installed if necessary. Make sure the scanner can read unlimited Characters (code 93) ____________

• Warehouse cleaned and things put away so accurate count can be accomplished. No business or changes to be made day count. May pre-count bulk areas. Proper employees(forklift) there to help with labels on third or fourth row of racking. ___________

• No business to be conducted on day of count. All orders picked and received if necessary. Inventory to be counted clearly separated from noncountable inventory. ___________

• Have team aware and ready to work weekend if needed. ______

• Prepare for weekend training or closed on Monday morning (if applicable) for hands on device training. __________

• Extra Days are $400 a day plus expenses if situation arises_____

• Warehouse map with locations provided to Primarus. Include shopping areas for discussion. _________

• All agencies set up with contacts (especially if using PWW) and Product categories assigned (using routes?) ______

• All Products ready with weights and descriptions done. TI-HI set up done if using barcode. Can use 999 x 999 if not sure. (internal program set up if needed) _________

• Donors\Vendors set up with contacts (internal program set up if needed) _________

• Have IT there or on stand-by for all days on site. No work on servers or maintenance to be done during inventory ________

• System element set up completed. ________

• Inventory adjustments set _________

• Chargers and batteries all work. _________

• Work flow. Make sure everyone responsible is trained in the following area:

o Sorting - transforming

o Overstock – bulk area and FIFO

o Shopping – billing and product set up

o Receiving – Put away

o Picking - replenishment

o Entering orders and receipts when to print tags

o Initial Inventory counting and entering

FYI items • Do not set Barcode users to change password req

• Warehouse temp below 55F may cause printer ribbon to go bad on exposed area inside printer. May affect first 5-6 labels of the morning

• Multiple people trained on loading printer

• Password for WMS to be scanner friendly depending on keyboards on scanner. In P2 badges can be printed instead. Test please.

• Pallet labels typically placed on bottom left of pallet (under wrap if possible- does this cause a reflection issue). Is this ok in your set up.

• Disable sleep functions and timeout on scanner (30 minutes) and printers if necessary

• Print a generic label before inventory to make sure it scans correctly


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