Agency Status tab KB-35


Agency Status tab

Is Suspended Check if the agency is a member of the food bank but you want to inform the order takers of an issue with this account. When you select this check box, you can then type a reason for the suspension as well as a date when the agency was suspended. Primarius Online will not allow a suspended agency to place an order until the Suspended check box has been cleared. The reason for suspension is displayed when an agency logs onto PWW.

Suspended On Displays the date and time the agency was placed on suspension.

Suspension Reason Enter the reason this agency is to be suspended if the Suspended check box is selected.

Next Monitored Select the next time the agency is due to be monitored. This field is required for the Agency Monitored Report. If the check box is cleared then the date is ignored.

Last Monitored Select the last time the agency was monitored. This is used when generating the Agency Monitoring Report to provide a list of those agencies with a Last Monitored date prior to the specified date. If the check box is cleared then the date is ignored.

Next Monitored Reminder Sent Date Select a date that you would like a reminder to maintain contact with this agency to appear.

Last Site Visit Select the last time a visit was made to the agency’s site. If the check box is cleared then the date is ignored.

Statistics Required Check to require the agency to enter statistics; use this check box if you do not require all of your member agencies to enter statistics before placing an order. The food bank administrator determines this in the Primarius setup. You can specify how often an agency should report statistics.

Statistic Group These groups are set by the food bank administrator and can be used for reporting purposes.

Last Pickup This field is automatically updated each time an order for the agency is confirmed. Displays the last date an order was confirmed.


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