Agency Preference tab KB-33


Agency Preference tab

Is Food Rescue Participant Check if this agency can use food from a food rescue program, if not checked the agency cannot order products that are flagged as food rescue. This affects Agency Orders-Products.

Enabled for Agency Pickup Check if the agency is allowed to pick up directly from the donor and this works in conjunction with Donors, the donor must be checked Is Agency Pickup. This affect PWW orders.

Enabled as Warehouse Check if the agency is also a warehouse. This is used for product allocation (transfers from food bank to to agency).

Default To Mobile Pantry Drop A check in this box will put a check in the mobile pantry drop on all of the agency's orders.  If you do not use this box an individual agency order can still be checked as a mobile pantry drop likewise the check can be removed from a specific order. This affects Orders and the QPR to report the amount of food that was distributed to Individuals via a mobile pantry. This is normally for bar code users as it also allows mass receipt pallet tags to be generated.

Require On Site Product Check if the product that the agency obtains from the food bank will be used when providing services at the agency site, such as a soup kitchen or day care.

Require Off Site Product Check if the product the agency obtains from the food bank will be used when providing services elsewhere, other than the agency site, such as Meals on Wheels.

The On Site and Off Site check boxes are used to restrict a product from a particular agency in PWW and Order Entry. If the agency has the On Site check box selected and a product has the Off Site
check box selected, then the agency will be unable to order that product. For example: if you have an agency that's primary function is a soup kitchen and you have another agency that does programs like Meals on Wheels you don't want the Meals on Wheels agency to order a 5lb can of beans so you can flag the beans as onsite and the agency that does Meals on Wheels could be flagged offsite,therefore the agency will never see the 5lb can of beans to order.

Free Food Only Check to prevent an agency from ordering product with a charge. This option is used if an agency owes money, however, it can be used for other reasons. This affect Agency Orders.

Enable Cash And Carry Check if this agency can only shop at the cash and carry.

Enable as Mobile Pantry A check in this field will allow a driver to quickly enter an order for the Agency through the Mobile Pantry feature instead of through Agency Orders. The food bank transfers product from its warehouse onto its mobile pantry truck (warehouse). When the agencies come to the mobile pantry drop location the driver can enter orders for each agency for any products on the truck. The orders will need to be confirmed when the truck returns to the food bank. If you do not check this field you can manually mark the Order Is Mobile Pantry. The check can always be removed on a specific order. This affects Internal Programs-Mobile Pantry AND Agency Orders.

Schedule Pickup Select the date and time when the agency comes in to shop or to pick up food. For example, the agency picks up food every Wednesday at 8:00.

Preferred Pickup Day Select the day of week that this agency will pick up their orders or have their order delivered. This can be used with PWW to limit the agency's pickup choice.

Preferred Pickup Time Select the time that this agency will pick up their orders or have their order delivered. Click on the hours or minutes to select then use the arrows to the right to set. This can be used with PWW to limit the agency's pickup choice.

Agency Inventory Enabled  Check this box to enable agencies to use the Client Services feature of PWW.  If this box is unchecked the agency can still use PWW but no client service features will show up on their screen. This affects PWW Client Services.

Agency Has Cooler This box defaults to being checked. If an agency DOES NOT HAVE A COOLER/REFRIGERATOR this prevents them from ordering any products that have a storage code of Refrig (this is FA's word for refrigerator as of 2019).

Agency Has Freezer This box defaults to being checked. If an agency DOES NOT HAVE A FREEZER this prevents them from being able to ordering products that have a storage code of freezer.


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