Accounting GL Fields KB-13


Accounting GL Fields

These are the fields that are going to use the GL Accounts that have been set up in the Chart of Accounts. IF you are posting to the GL then you should complete these.


   - Warehouse-Accounting tab

       - AR Account for Agencies Receivables from orders.

       - GL Discount Account if you allow the agencies to receive a discount for early payment.

       - GL Freight Account  for freight expenses for the warehouse.

   - Product Category Warehouse  Use the EDIT for each Product Category listed.

       - Service Fee Account is where the shared maintenance/service fees for orders will post to for DONATED products.

       - Sales Account where the sales amounts for orders will post for PURCHASED products (how much the agency is being charged).

       - Inventory Account is the inventory accounts to post the inventory to (you may have separate GL's for Purchased, Donated, Food Box, TEFAP, etc., USDA so make sure you use the correct inventory for the product category).

       - COGS Accounts this is your cost of good for products (donated and purchased-you may have as many COGS accounts as you need if you break down donated or donated CSFP donated USDA, etc.).

       - Accrued AP or Donated Inc (income) GL  Depending on the product category (donated or purchased) you will only see one or the other.  Accrued AP posts all the food bank costs for purchased products (when you generate the AP invoice this will decrease the Accrued AP) or for donated products its the Donated Value of the products which is an income account).

   - Adjustment Reasons

       - Adjustment Account - can be different for different adjustment reasons and warehouses. You will also need accounts for system defined adjustment reasons such as Physical Inventory.

Bank Deposit

- Agency - Deposits, you must have a GL to post a bank deposit. If you are going to use write offs and misc. credits then you will need GL'S for all three of those so when you create a deposit you can select if it's a bank deposit, write off GL or the misc. credit GL.

Grants-not required unless using/posting grants

  -  Accounting tab

       - Default GL Account - This is the GL that will be used to reduce the Agency A/R if applicable.

       - GL Asset Account

                       -   A Grant Allocation could use a different GL than the original grant. ( NOT required to do so.)

Setup-General Setup

Accounting tab (default accounts)

     -  Accounts Payable

     - Account  AP Discount

     - Account for AP Bank


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